Calculate enthalpy easily with our Enthalpy Calculator at Perfect for students and professionals in thermodynamics!


Enthalpy (Qp) = ΔE + P ΔV

Internal energy of Products
Internal energy of Reactants
Pressure of system
Volume of Products
Volume of Reactants

How to Use the Enthalpy Calculator

Step 1: Locate the Input Field for Internal Energy of Products

  • Find the input field labeled “Internal energy of Products.”

Step 2: Enter the Internal Energy of Products

  • Enter the value for the internal energy of the products.

Step 3: Locate the Input Field for Internal Energy of Reactants

  • Find the input field labeled “Internal energy of Reactants.”

Step 4: Enter the Internal Energy of Reactants

  • Enter the value for the internal energy of the reactants.

Step 5: Locate the Input Field for Pressure of System

  • Find the input field labeled “Pressure of system.”

Step 6: Enter the Pressure of the System

  • Enter the value for the pressure of the system.

Step 7: Locate the Input Field for Volume of Products

  • Find the input field labeled “Volume of Products.”

Step 8: Enter the Volume of Products

  • Enter the value for the volume of the products.

Step 9: Locate the Input Field for Volume of Reactants

  • Find the input field labeled “Volume of Reactants.”

Step 10: Enter the Volume of Reactants

  • Enter the value for the volume of the reactants.

Step 11: Click on the Calculate Button

  • Click on the “Calculate” button.

Step 12: View the Result

  • The calculator will display the result for the enthalpy.

Enthalpy Calculator Formula

Enthalpy (Qp) = ΔE + P ΔV

  • Enthalpy (Qp): Represents the heat content of a system at constant pressure.
  • ΔE: Change in internal energy of the system.
  • P: Pressure of the system.
  • ΔV: Change in volume of the system.

This formula shows that the change in enthalpy (Qp) of a system is the sum of the change in its internal energy (ΔE) and the work done by the system due to volume change (P ΔV).

Enthalpy Calculator Examples

Example 1: Heating of Gas

Problem: Calculate the change in enthalpy when the internal energy change (ΔE) is 150 J, the pressure (P) is 2 atm, and the volume change (ΔV) is 0.5 L.


  • Convert pressure to J/L: 2 atm=2×101.3 J/L=202.6 J/L
  • Qp=ΔE+PΔV
  • Qp=150+(202.6×0.5)
  • Qp=150+101.3
  • Qp=251.3J

Example 2: Compression of Gas

Problem: Calculate the change in enthalpy when the internal energy change (ΔE) is -200 J, the pressure (P) is 1.5 atm, and the volume change (ΔV) is -0.4 L.


  • Convert pressure to J/L: 1.5 atm=1.5×101.3 J/L=151.95 
  • Qp=ΔE+PΔV
  • Qp=−200+(151.95×−0.4)
  • Qp=−200−60.78
  • Qp=−260.78J

Example 3: Expansion of Gas

Problem: Calculate the change in enthalpy when the internal energy change (ΔE) is 500 J, the pressure (P) is 3 atm, and the volume change (ΔV) is 1 L.


  • Convert pressure to J/L: 3 atm=3×101.3 J/L=303.9 J/L
  • Qp=ΔE+PΔV
  • Qp=500+(303.9×1)
  • Qp=500+303.9
  • Qp=803.9J

What Units are Used in Enthalpy Calculations?

Enthalpy is usually measured in joules (J) or kilojoules (kJ). Sometimes, in specific contexts, it may also be expressed in calories or BTUs (British Thermal Units).

Can an Enthalpy Calculator be Used for Any Substance?

Yes, an Enthalpy Calculator can be used for any substance, provided you have the necessary input parameters such as specific heat capacity, temperature, and pressure. However, the accuracy depends on the quality of the input data.

Are There Online Enthalpy Calculators Available?

Yes, many online platforms provide enthalpy calculators. These tools are user-friendly and often come with a database of specific heat capacities for various substances to simplify the input process.

How Accurate are Enthalpy Calculators?

The accuracy of an enthalpy calculator depends on the precision of the input data and the method used for calculation. High-quality calculators and accurate data will yield precise results.

Can Enthalpy Changes be Measured Directly?

Enthalpy changes cannot be measured directly; instead, they are inferred from other measurable quantities such as temperature, pressure, and volume changes. Calorimetry is a common method used to measure the heat involved in chemical reactions, which relates to enthalpy changes.

How Can I Improve the Accuracy of My Enthalpy Calculations?

To improve accuracy, ensure that input data is precise, use high-quality and reliable calculators or software, and consider the specific conditions and properties of the system being analyzed.

Are There Limitations to Using an Enthalpy Calculator?

The primary limitations include the accuracy of input data and the assumptions made by the calculator. Simplified models may not account for all variables, leading to less precise results in complex systems.

Where Can I Find Reliable Data for Enthalpy Calculations?

Reliable data for enthalpy calculations can be found in scientific literature, thermodynamic tables, chemical handbooks, and online databases provided by educational institutions and industry standards organizations.

Can I Calculate Enthalpy for a Mixture of Substances?

Yes, you can calculate the enthalpy for a mixture, but it requires knowing the specific heat capacities and proportions of each substance in the mixture. Some advanced calculators or software can handle these calculations more effectively.