12+ Baby Shower and Save the Date Examples to Download
First of all, congratulations on your baby! Bearing a child, especially if it’s your first, is one of the most significant milestones in one’s life. And if you want to mark this pivotal moment with a celebration, then go ahead! Baby showers are the most perfect excuse to gather all your closest family and friends to share this wonderful news. What is better than having everyone important in your life celebrating the coming of an addition to your own small world? You may also see baby shower invitation examples.
Baby showers have been thrown for expecting mothers even before electricity was invented. Imagine how many pregnant women, since this custom began, have been the center of such celebrations. Our ancestors have been doing this since the 19th century, and they chose to pass it unto us. It is our privilege to organize festivities for a new life as taught to us by those who have come before us. You may also like baby shower menu designs and examples.
Simple Baby Shower Menu Template

Baby Shower Menu Template

But, blabbering aside, hosting a baby shower for your precious little one even before he’s out into the world is now accepted and practiced by our society. And organizing one for the unborn child is completely up to the parents. If you want one, who says you can’t have one?
Save the Date Party Invitation Template

Elegant Baby Shower Menu Template

Modern Baby Shower Menu Template

Adorable Illustrated Baby Shower Save the Date Example
Jungle Animal Themed Baby Shower Save the Date Example
Reasons Why You Should Absolutely Have a Baby Shower
You may hear some of your friends tell you that having a baby shower is too tacky, as if wanting to celebrate your baby’s life is now something to be frowned upon. You may even hear some people tell you that organizing baby showers will make you look as if you’re begging for gifts. Leave it to the cynics to ruin a perfectly joyous party. These people have their own opinions, we’ll leave them be. You, on the other hand, can still be saved, so let these few reasons convince you why a baby shower is a must:
1. A baby shower is a chance for you to create memories.
As cheesy as that may have sounded, it’s true. When your child is all grown and is living with his own family, you’ll having nothing but these faded pictures to remind you a life well lived. You deserve the chance to have something to look back on and a day with friends and family celebrating your motherhood is definitely worthy of reminiscing. You may also see baby greeting card designs and examples.
Your child too, when he’s old enough, will also love to see pictures of you and your family all so excited to see him. Give you and your baby the chance to have something to look back on.
2. Every milestone should be celebrated.
You just created a baby! He is a living, breathing miracle inside your womb and celebrating that is never too tacky. This is another step forward for you and your growing family and if that is not noteworthy, nothing really is.
3. This is a chance for a reunion.
Sometimes, life throws too many things for us to do (with very few hours to do it) that getting together seems to be the last thing on our endless to-do list. Baby showers are a great chance to have a small reunion. We all know it’s about time you see your relatives again. Let your baby bring your family together. You may also like free birth announcement designs and examples.
4. Baby showers are a great avenue for games and fun!
Whoever told you that baby showers are all about gifts and girl talk? Of course not! What’s a party without some backyard games and a lot of party? If you’ve never been to a baby shower before, here are a few games you can play:
- Don’t say “baby.” This is one of the most enjoyably challenging games you can play during your shower. The main objective is that no one should say the word baby. So when your guests start arriving for the party, you give each of them a diaper pin. Whenever someone says the forbidden word, whoever heard it can take the person’s diaper pin. At the end of the party, the guest with the most pins wins the game! You may also check out baby announcement designs and examples.
- “Guess the baby” game. This one is also a little more interactive. Tell your guests through your attractive invitations to bring a photo of themselves when they were a baby. During your shower, take all the photos, post them on the wall, and let your guests guess who is in the baby picture!
- “Drink up, baby!” This game is hilarious for whatever type of baby shower you’re planning to have. What you have to do is fill up baby bottles with beer (for the grownups) or apple juice (for the young ones) and let them suck all the contents. Whoever finishes his bottle first, wins the game! You might be interested in checklist examples for baby showers.
- Diaper Derby. For this game, divide your guests into two teams and give each team a roll of toilet paper and five minutes to wrap one team member in a mock up diaper. The team with the most creative diaper wins! This game is perfect for an adult audience since there are very few things more hilarious than a couple of grown people trying to wrap another adult with pretend diaper. You may also see party invitation examples.
- Place the Baby on the Mommy. This game is a rendition of the classic favorite Pin the Tail on the Donkey. But, of course, instead of a donkey, have your guests pin a photo of a baby on a poster-sized picture of the pregnant mommy. Whoever pins the baby closest to the mommy’s tummy wins.
5. Baby showers can be for dads too!
After all, you are not the only one who has done all the work here, so give your husband the chance to be invited into the fun. Baby showers are no longer an all-girls affair. You can have a gender-neutral party and invite the boys along. This can be a chance for you and your husband to celebrate together. You may also like event invitation examples.
6. Baby showers are also thanksgiving parties.
Not every pregnancy is successful and not every baby is delivered healthy or, unfortunately, delivered at all. If you have reached far into your pregnancy without any glitch, then you have some serious thanking to do. Except for a little morning sickness and unusual cravings, you’re fine. Your baby is too. That is already two massive things you should be grateful for. You may also check out lunch invitation designs & examples.
Printable Tropical Save the Date Example
Baby Shower Save the Date Postcard
Baby Boy Save the Date Example
Baby showers should be organized for so many good reasons. However, to completely kill any doubt left in you about having a baby shower, here are a few myths about it:
1. Baby showers are not about gifts.
And the mother who organizes it is not begging for them. Baby showers are a chance to celebrate life. To have people around you helping you prepare for the greatest role you will ever play: motherhood. Gifts are called gifts for a reason. They are not necessary to attend baby showers. You may also see holiday invitation examples.
2. Baby showers don’t have to be grand.
It doesn’t have to be as big as your wedding. A small, intimate gathering with close family and friends is, in fact, the best way to celebrate this beautiful moment.
3. Baby showers are not an only-girls event.
Maybe one hundred years ago, they were, but not anymore. Babies are, after all, a family event. He is another human who will carry the family name, which means that every close family member should be invited irregardless of sex. Everyone should be given the chance to shower mommy’s baby bump with love. You may also like invitation card designs and examples.
Illustrated Baby Boy Save the Date Example
Pretty Baby Girl Save the Date Example
Should You Send Baby Shower Invitations?
Yes. Absolutely yes. Your invitation can give your event a finality and a formality. It is also a convenient way to inform your guests on the details of your event. Plus, this is a celebration. Crappy emails and text invitations should stay away from it. Snail mails, as primitive as they may seem now, are the only way to go for your baby shower. You may also see save the date label Examples.
Should You Send Save-the-Dates?
Again: yes. Absolutely yes. This is a busy world. Your friends and families lead busy lives. You can’t surprise them with an invitation to an event that’s going to happen soon already; they need a chance to prepare and clear their schedules out for you. They will need a heads-up so they can have enough time to sort all their priorities out. You may also like reunion save the date invitation designs and examples.
It would be such a bummer if your guests receive an invitation a week before your event, and they already have a prior engagement. A save-the-date note or card can help notify them in advance.
Aside from that, save-the-dates are also a great way to get everyone on the pregnancy craze that you and your immediate family have developed. Save-the-dates can also help you announce the news about your pregnancy. How about that, two birds with one stone. You may also check out rustic save-the-date designs and examples.
When Should You Send Save-the-Dates?
The amount of preparation time you give to your guests depend on when your baby shower is going to happen. If it will happen near the holiday, it would be best to give a two- or three-month notice. Aside from that, a good month is enough.
To Whom Should You Send Save-the-Dates?
Of course, your save the dates should only be sent to the people you are sure you will invite. You may have a list of people you’re still doubtful about inviting (we all have an A-list and a B-list for our guests) but it would be better not to send them a save-the-date because if you do, you would be obligated to follow up with an invitation. Even with guests with whom you’ve received verbal confirmation that they are coming to your party, you should still send them a save-the-date card. You might be interested in wedding save the date designs and examples.
What Should Be Written an a Save-the-Date?
Save-the-dates are basically cards that tell people about your pregnancy and a party that will be held in celebration of it. Which means that you don’t have to include specific details yet. This early into the preparations, it is completely acceptable if you haven’t finalized any detail. Also, that is a job for the invitations. You may also see examples of invitation envelope.
The only important details to include on your cards are you and your husband’s name. You can include your baby’s name as well but since a lot of parents choose not to name or know the baby’s gender before he is born, that’s okay too. You can include the venue for your shower as well. (However, if this changes later on in the preparations, spread the word as soon as possible through text or formal email.) If a date has been decided on, affix that as well since that is the reason you are sending a card in the first place.
Wood Engraved Editable Save the Date Example
Ethnic Prince Princess Baby Shower Save The Date Card
Unisex Baby Shower Save the Date Example
Many people would argue that a couple could never be a family without a child. If you have been given the great honor of bearing a human being inside you, congratulations! You have created a family. May you and your husband start this new chapter in your life with a celebration because your child deserves nothing less. You may also see birthday invitation designs & examples.