10+ Financial Services Brochure Examples to Download
Financial services brochures have been part of the financial industry for a long time. It is a marketing strategy for financial institutions so they can introduce potential customers to the financial services they provide. With a brochure that includes a wide variety of financial services, people will have an insight into financial planning and how to make wealth management easier.
10+ Financial Services Brochure Examples
1. Financial Services Bi-Fold Brochure Template
2. Financial Services Tri-Fold Brochure Template
3. Banking and Financial Service Trifold Brochure
4. Corporate Finance Services Trifold Brochure
5. Accounting and Bookkeeping Services Trifold Brochure
6. Tax Services Brochure in Vector EPS
7. Samsung Card Financial Services Brochure
8. Financial Advisor Trifold Brochure
9. Financial Services and Banking Brochure
10. Creative Financial Services Brochure
11. Financial Services Trifold Brochure InDesign
What Is Financial Services?
Financial Services are tools in the finance industry that help organizations and individuals in their financial situation. Most services offer loans and savings since people are either well-guarded or careless when it comes to money. When banks loan money to people, they are not certain that all of the loans will be paid, that’s why they have an interest rate. According to a Statista report, the United States held 1.02% of non-performing loans. In the 1970s, the center of the financial industry were banks. Later on, individuals began to avoid banks since they had a small variety of financial services offered because of the federal regulations’ restrictions. Instead, they focused on growing their business by investing with other businesses. As the years passed, the financial industry has been constantly growing since they started to enter the digital world.
Types of Financial Services
1. Banking
It is a type of financial service that manages deposits into savings and checking accounts. It is one way to keep your money safe and to keep track of your expenditures. It provides service to individuals who are wishing to save for their future, and it provides finance to organizations who want to expand their business. These matters are important for the growth of our economy.
2. Insurance
Insurance is a form of risk management that compensates damages or loss in any form. Most people dive into this kind of financial service to ensure that they won’t have any future payment problems regarding the matters of their health, life, and home.
3. Financial Advisory
Financial Advisory is a helping hand in a company or an individual’s financial situation. Advisors use their skills and knowledge in financial planning to fulfill the financial goals of their clients.
4. Financial Loan
A financial loan is lending money to companies or individuals. People loan money to start a new business, buy a house or a new car, or when their income is not enough for their monthly expenses. The process is actually quite simple, you just need to provide all the necessary documents the financial organization requires and loan approval is easy when you have a secure income and a reasonable amount of debt.
How To Create a Financial Services Brochure
There are many available templates for brochures online but if you want to build one, here are the following steps to create a good financial services brochure that will hold the interest of people who are planning to manage their finances in a better way.
1. Be Creative
Having a good design on your brochure will catch the eye of your potential customers. A simple yet captivating theme is a good marketing strategy. You might think that it’s not important to have a good brochure design, but people appreciate it. It shows that you are really interested in providing a legit financial service.
2. Coordinate Colors
Make sure to use colors that integrate well together in your brochure. Bright or neon colors can be easily noticed but it can also be hurtful to the eyes if you use too much of it. They are also hard to match since they overpower other colors. Use pale colors since they emphasize simplicity and formality. But be careful with this technique since using too many pale colors can make your brochure look dull and boring.
3. Use the Right Photo
Most brochures usually have images that relate to their content. When you attach an image, you have to make sure that it connects to your business. The right image for your brochure can create a wonderful impact on your customers. It portrays how genuine your business is and the trust that you build with your customers.
4. Provide Concise Information
A short but straight to the point information is what a brochure should have. You may think that providing long descriptions and thorough explanations about your service is good but customers have short attention spans, so providing a brochure with lengthy information can be a problem in getting customers. Customers also want precise information. You need to be careful in how you praise your services; if you say they’re good, then that’s what they should be in the actual service. Customers easily get discouraged when they are not experiencing what you write in your brochure.
5. Include Complete and Accurate Information
A brochure must contain complete information about the products or services offered by the company. Make sure you highlight the important parts and provide the customer with a business card in case they need to contact the company for more information or questions regarding the services or products mentioned in your brochure.
Some people are uncontrollable when it comes to managing their finances. They tend to develop a bad habit of overspending to satisfy their wants. Most people are finding themselves in a financial crisis because of such acts. People should be clever when it comes to their finances because, as far as one should know, money is an essential need. They should be careful in handling their money so they can assess their daily needs. A good financial services brochure would be helpful for people who have little knowledge about financial management so they would know as to why securing their finances is important.