Differences between a Calling Card and a Business Card

Last Updated: April 27, 2024

Differences between a Calling Card and a Business Card

In the world of business, it is important to have both a calling card and a business card for purposes of being contacted with proverbial businessmen or acquaintances because of circumstances or business related things that they might have taken a liking of you. These cards are simple yet they help establish a bond of business relationship to different people should they be interested in you or what you do.

Both of these cards are a good way in promoting your interest and skills in the field of business. If a company or a person sees you are very much fitting for a specific position, they will absolutely phone you, send a text message, or even email you, depending on the contact information that is found in the calling or business cards.

Although these cards contain so little information, its role in the field of business is deemed significant for this helps establish connections in the search of who’s who.

In business or in the game of life, people who know people are always a big help in your career for they help you get the job position in an established firm you have been dying to work in, so it’s important you learn to grow your social circle for this will help you in the long run. Business cards or calling cards are just one of the many ways to keep your social circle growing.

Although there are different kinds of cards such as thank you cards, greeting cards, wedding cards, birthday cards, postcards, and name cards,  we will be differentiating business cards and calling cards in the article for you so others may know what your intentions are for handing them cards. This is, too, for you to distribute the right card to a specific person.

Differences between Calling Cards and Business Cards

It is important for you to know the difference between a calling card and a business card for you to hand the right card in the events of an acquaintance with a potential lover or a friend or during a business talk with someone. Listed below are the differences between both, so make sure you have these tattooed in your head:

Business Cards

  • Business cards contain a lot of contact information for potential customers or a future employer. Aside from contact information, you can also add your company name, company address, company phone number, company e-mail address, and company address to let them know that you mean business. Since most of the businesses are making use of the internet, you can also add your company’s website in it. Considering the size of a business card and the details you will be writing on it, you have to make sure you use the most fitting font style and font size to make this information readable and professional looking. In a way, business cards are a lot like similar to business brochures and advertising flyers, despite the information of the former and the latter that is delivered to prospective consumers.
  • Business cards make your new colleagues or future employer remember you after a business meeting, and future consumers will also remember you after promoting your business’ products and services to them. It is common for the back of a business card to be blank so you, your colleagues, new employer, or consumers to write something in it that reminds them of contacting you should they be interested in your products, services, or are excited to collaborate with your talent.
  • Business cards serve as a reflection of what your profession is. They give people a hint of what you do or what your business is about by simply handing it over to them. Moreover, this gives them a guarantee that they are facing the most capable person in doing such a task that he or she is in search of, or, for your consumers, they will know that they can rely on your specialties in helping them regarding what they need. For example, a couturier’s business card consists of distinct patterns that are usually used in designing a gown, whereas other professions like lawyers and professors have obvious restrictions in it, keeping that tone of formality.
  • Business cards mean competition. Aside from other marketing strategies like distributions of pamphlets that can be observed, you can also hand your customers business cards. Businesses have their competitors and it is necessary for you to play in that competition for you to earn not only money but also to strengthen your reputation.
  • The ultimate point of a business card is to sell or promote the business rather than your personal interests.

Calling Cards

  • In the old age calling cards or visiting cards, are used for a servant or a butler to announce your presence before the host of a party or simply a house visit. It was also around the Victorian era where a name and a note about their gratitude for inviting them were written on them.
  • It was also in the Victorian age where the host of the house use these as a display in their house to flaunt their popularity because if the house has a box of calling cards it simply meant that they are reputable for their fame. The simplicity of calling cards evolved in this era and greatly differs from the size and styles of the current and the earlier version of it.
  • Calling cards in the now, are simply for interaction. It is simpler in appearance in comparison with business cards. More than business operations and matters, calling cards are used to promote yourself rather than what kind of business are you into.
  • Calling cards are not used to promote any kind of business, but there is a faint light of chance that it leads to that matter.
  • Since there are no company or business logos in a calling card, you can make use of typography as a way of making other people become interested in you. From the style of the font or a simple note that you put on it, a receiver will know a part or two about you by then.
  • Calling cards are common during an acquaintance with a stranger because of private interests, for it only contains your name and your contact number. Others put little notes on it most often than not, but of course, that’s only optional.

Having both of these differentiated, you might want to start separating your business cards and calling cards. Always bear in mind that if you mess up in distributing both, the receiver might not take you for a goof rather than a serious or a dedicated one.

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