How to Make a Digital Signage in Illustrator?

Last Updated: January 21, 2025

How to Make a Digital Signage in Illustrator?

Digital Signage in Illustrator

Flashy lights and animated displays tend to capture the attention of passersby more quickly than traditional signs. Its convenient yet compelling nature can captivate audiences and convey a message more effectively than usual. To accomplish this, you need to know how you can craft a digital sign that’s sure to speak well with your viewers.

How to Make a Digital Signage in Illustrator

Digital signage is a cost-effective way for businesses to capture the attention of their audience through a captivating display of texts and graphics. This allows you to effectively drive engagement for successful branding and sales growth. To achieve this, refer to the following tips:

1. Choose color wisely.

Using a lot of colors might sound like a good idea, but putting the wrong colors together can be a recipe for disaster. You need to be considerate about your audience and end goal before you decide which color combination to use.

2. Less is more.

Try not to clutter your signage with useless images and text. Aim for a simple, concise, and memorable medium that can communicate your message with ease. Important details such as names, dates, prices, contact numbers, and websites should remain clear even from a glance.

3. Use readable fonts.

Digital signages rely heavily on visuals to make an impact on viewers. Thus, it’s important to be careful about the fonts you choose. This goes for the style, size, and color of these fonts. Your text must be as legible as possible to make it easy for viewers to grasp your message.

4. Don’t overdo movement.

Unlike static advertisements, such as printed billboards and advertising posters, digital signages often include motion graphics in the form of videos or animation. It’s a great way to draw attention and increase engagement time to help get your message across more effectively. However, be careful not to let these features overshadow the rest of your content. Movement can sometimes make it harder for viewers to read and understand your message.

5. Include a call-to-action.

To generate a desired response from your audience, your call-to-action should tell viewers exactly what you want them to do after receiving your message. This will give your viewers a chance to participate in an activity for further engagement.

1. Christmas Digital Signage

Christmas Digital Signage1
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  • Illustrator


The holiday season is often the most colorful time of the year. It’s the time when advertisements are filled with shades of red and green as a way of celebrating the season. This is what makes a Christmas digital signage a bit of a challenge to make, which is why using a template may be a great way for you to get started.

2. Coupon Code Digital Signage

Coupon Code Digital Signage
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  • Illustrator


These days, shoppers would do anything to score an awesome deal from their favorite brands. When you want to get rid of old stock or simply boost traffic to your stores, advertising your coupon codes with digital signages is one way of catching a customer’s attention. You can even ask passersby to take pictures of the ad to use it as a discount voucher for when they shop.

3. Hall of Fame Digital Signage

Hall of Fame Digital Signage
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  • Photoshop
  • Illustrator


Digital signages aren’t just for advertising, as some marketers like to use it to recognize internal talents. Showing recognition to your employees will let them feel appreciated for what they have contributed to the organization, which can also inspire other members to do better. A hall of fame might seem a bit much, but it does help motivate employees to reach their fullest potential.

4. Hotel Amenities Digital Signage

Hotel Amenities Digital Signage
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  • Illustrator


As soon as you arrive at the airport, train station, or bus terminal, you’ll likely encounter a digital billboard showcasing the amenities of a hotel. This is a popular advertising method that companies employ to reach out to first-time travelers, backpackers, and other locals who are looking for a place to stay.

5. Price List Digital Signage

Price List Digital Signage
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  • Photoshop
  • Illustrator


Some businesses tend to put digital signages in front of their stores to feature the price of their offered goods. A price list will help answer common inquiries that customers might have to keep them informed of your basic services. Like a restaurant menu, the signage may contain the name, price, and description of the item being sold.

6. Real Estate Listing Digital Signage

Real Estate Listing Digital Signage
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  • Photoshop
  • Illustrator


You can find a real estate ad almost anywhere. These listings can be useful for those who are looking for a place to rent or buy around the area. The key is to craft a sign that will pique the interest of potential clients by providing detailed descriptions of each listing that prospects might want to know about.

7. Travel Deals Digital Signage

Travel Deals Digital Signage1
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  • Photoshop
  • Illustrator


After a long day at work, who wouldn’t be enticed by an ad that features exciting travel deals that are hard to ignore? Using outdoor signages to communicate with passersby at any time of day will definitely put you on business.

8. Welcome Sign Digital Signage

Welcome Sign Digital Signage
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  • Photoshop
  • Illustrator


There’s nothing worse than using a plain white sheet of paper to welcome guests to your resort. If you want to give guests their money’s worth, or at least guide them to your establishment, make sure to invest in simple welcome signages.

9. Duke University Digital Signage

Duke University Digital Signage


This example from Duke University shows just how versatile digital signages can be. From school announcements to today’s weather, you can use the signage to feature important information that viewers might need to go about with their day.

10. UMKC Digital Signage

UMKC Digital Signage


Digital signages are sometimes utilized to provide directions to visitors of an institution. You can find these signages at malls, universities, and commercial buildings to address the basic needs of those who are unfamiliar with the place. In some cases, these signages are also made interactive for users to find out more about where they are and where they are headed.

Customizing the content of your digital signage and interactive displays will certainly help market your brand in the most creative way possible. Be sure to refer to the guidelines and examples above to develop effective digital signages for your business.


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