11+ Email Invitation Examples to Download

Writing an Email Invitation Examples

Living in the 21st century, we are blessed to have many technological advancements. Back then, invitations were written by hand. So when people would send out  invites to people, they would have to write it by hand.

When the typewriter was invented, everyone fully embraced the new technology and made the shift to write their invitations there. Then fax machines and computers were created and the use of couriers became obsolete as people can simply fax or send their invites as long as they have their professional email addresses or their numbers. Although invites these days no longer need to be formal for very casual events, there is still a need to learn on how to write formal invites should the need arise.

Email Invitation Example

Business Email Invitation Template
File Format
  • Illustrator
  • MS Word
  • Pages
  • Photoshop
  • Publisher

Size: 4×6 Inches, 5×7 Inches + Bleed


Wedding Invitation Email Template

Wedding Invitation Email
File Format
  • Illustrator
  • MS Word
  • Pages
  • Photoshop
  • Publisher

Size: 4×6 Inches, 5×7 Inches + Bleed


Wedding Email Invitation Set Example

Wedding Email Invitation Set Example

Save the Date Email Invitation Bundle Example

Save the Date Email Invitation Bundle Example

53 Email Invitation + Template Bundle Example

53 Email Invitation + Template Bundle Example

Email Invitation Template Bundle Example

Email Invitation Template Bundle Example

The 5W’s of Invitation Writing

1. Who?

Who are you planning to invite for the event? When you conduct a business meeting, do you want to invite all of your associates or is it just going to be your supervisors? Is it just going to be your subordinates? Make sure you consider all the people you would wish to invite before sending it out.

2. What & Why?

In your simple invitation, you have to be specific on what the event is all about. Otherwise, people are just going to be really confused about it. If you are hosting a meeting, make sure you specify as to what kind of meeting it is. And while you are at it, do not forget to indicate as to why that meeting needs to be held.

3. Where?

Make sure to set the appropriate location as to where the meeting or party or event will be held. Location is very important so that people can know.

4. When?

The next important aspect you would need to consider is the date and the time. If the people do not know when the event is going to be held or if there is no clarification as to when, it is going to end up a disaster. You may also see client email examples & samples.

The more detailed and precise the invitation is, the more likely people are going to take your event more seriously. Once you have considered all the 5W’s in the invitation, you can start drafting one already.

How to Write an Invitation Letter: Structure

1. A Good Subject Line

Before the content of the letter can be opened, the person who sent you the email and the subject line will normally appear first. So make sure that your subject line is an eye-opener that will catch the attention of those who read it. It has to be direct and straight to the point. You may also see introduction email examples & samples.

2. Opening and Closing

In a letter, it is customary to have an opening and a closing to show that you are polite and courteous to the recipient. For instance, you can start your email or your formal letter with: “Good day!” or “Good morning!” Salutations are always important to start your letters. In the same way when you close your letters, you can end your letters with: “Have a nice day!” or “Thank you for your time.”

3. Reason for Business Meeting

When you specify your reason as to why you want to hold that business meeting or party, it is important to be specific with the reason you are holding it in the first place- especially in meetings. Because meetings cannot just be held ever so casually, unless it is of utmost importance that really requires your attention.

4. Specify the time, date, location and duration

In relation to the when factor, never forget to mention as to when the meeting or party is going to be, the location and what time will it begin and up to what time might it end.

5. Request for an RSVP

In weddings, do not be surprised when you happen to see the term RSVP which means Répondez s’il vous plaît meaning “Please respond”. Because sometimes the problem with people is that they receive the invitation and do not even bother to respond to the sender. Eventually, the sender of the invitation will be expecting you to come so they will be preparing the chairs and tables and the food. You may also check out networking email examples & samples.

Even for informal or casual events, try to confirm the person’s attendance as to whether he or she will go so that you can prepare the right number of chairs and tables without really spending too much for the others who cannot make it.

HTML Email Pack Invitation Example

HTML Email Pack Invitation Example

5 Pack Email Invitation Template Example

5 Pack Email Invitation Template Example

Valuable Tips for Writing a Business Invitation Letter

1. Make it Personal

Handwritten letters have their own personal touch. Just by writing down the professional letter in a piece of paper means that whoever you are planning to give that to must be very special since you are dedicating that much time and effort to her or him. If you are sending out invitations to your friends, try not to make it too formal but allow the letter to sound casual as not to put any pressure on them whatsoever. If your goal is to email blast all of them, use some formality.

2. Keep it Short

Be it letters or invitations, your smart goal is to always keep it short and simple. Make it too long and eventually, people will not want to read anymore since it is too long. Try your best to limit the content of your letter to only the essentials. It does not have to be too detailed. As long as the rest of it can be explained in the meeting, then you would have no problem.

3. Set Reminders

When making your email invitation, you should try to set reminders not only for others but for yourself as well in case you might forget that the event is going to happen. There’s a certain setting for that in Google.

4. Proofread

Finally, proofread everything. Make sure that you got all the details correct, the contacts in place, the content is written properly, the grammar is corrected, etc… Once you are through proofreading, try to proofread again to make sure you have not skipped anything. Once you are through proofreading, you are now ready to send your letter. You may also like business email examples & samples.

What are the Key Parts of an Event Invitation Email?

While you are writing an event email invitation, some points must be kept in mind. So, get ready and jot down the following key parts of an email:

1. Professional email address

Buying your own domain and having your professional email address helps to build trust in your audience. It makes your attendees believe that your organization is a respected one and that this event should not be missed.

2.Personally addressing the attendee

Knowing that you are going to send an invitation to your friends and your family, you should try to personalize the invitation if he or she means a lot to you. By personalizing the letter, it would feel like that you are not strangers towards each other.

3. Pictures and other visuals

People are more into pictures than words. They are visual that way. If you add a little flair and pizzazz to your invitation, people will tend to be more attracted towards it. Or simply hire a graphic designer that can help you design the perfect invitation for you. In that way, you do not really need to draft the content of your body when it is all there is in picture invitation. You may also check out interview email examples & samples.


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Email Newsletter Invitation Example

New Wedding Email Invitation Set Example

New Wedding Email Invitation Set Example

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Fashion Email Invitation Bundle Example

Tips on How to Create an Excellent Event Email Invitation

Once you have your key parts in the email ready, now it’s time to add some spices to it and make your email the best which will make your audience want to come to the event. Follow the keynotes given below and increase your registrations and go full house:

1. Target audience

Addressing your target audience in a personal style is always better. Also, before sending emails, it’s good to segregate your audience according to the location and send them messages directly. You may also see reminder email examples & samples.

2. Design and content

Appropriate designing and content are another important things in the email. It lays the foundation of the email and will help to decide whether the email will be opened or sent to a spam folder.

3. Social media

What can better generate the buzz about the event than to do a social media marketing? There are millions of people on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter who will get to know the instant you write about the event. Additionally, putting hashtags, tagging other people and being active on these channels is the key to manage social media pages.

We hope we helped you create an email invitation for various personal and corporate events. We also included some examples for you to use as an guide.


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