13+ Fundraiser Ticket Examples to Download
Tickets can be used in many different ways. Apart from event tickets that are the most common type, there are also sports pass ticket, traffic tickets, and parking tickets that are also among the typical types of ticket that are used in different instances. When you are creating a fundraising event, it is most likely that a fundraising ticket is needed. Because the goal is to raise funds, everyone who would like to participate or attend the event must take part and help in raising funds through their purchase of a fundraising ticket.
Examples of these fundraising tickets are presented below. Choose a design now that you may refer to or use for your event.You may also like invitation ticket examples.
Blank Fundraiser Ticket Template

Simple Fundraiser Ticket Template

Meal Fundraiser Ticket Template

Numbered Fundraiser Ticket Template

AIDS Fundraising Event Ticket Template

Fundraiser Ticket Template

Cancer Fundraiser Ticket Example

BBQ Fundraiser Ticket

Fundraiser Car Wash Poster Invitation Event Ticket
Beef and Beer Fundraising Ticket
Fundraising Luncheon Ticket Template Example
Ways to Run a Successful Fundraising Event
Every organization, whether you are a charitable organization or not or an organization made for profit or a nonprofit organization, you need to have enough funds to start the organization, keep it running, and be ready for the common expenses that an organization usually incurs. For those organizations that lack funds, it might not be easy to cover those expenses when you still do not have enough profit or you cannot solicit from the members of an organization. For those charitable institutions, given that they do not do business of a living, it is not in their nature to run the organization for profit.You may also see summer party ticket designs & examples.
In order to address these problems, many organization would resort to raise their funds through a fundraising event. Organizing the event would indeed require expenses, and maybe a fundraising plan, but these expenses must be taken into account so that the revenue from the fundraising event could not just merely compensate the expenses but would be enough to sustain the organization or to fund a certain project.
Many organizations find it hard to raise funds in a fundraising event since it is very challenging to gather people to attend to your event as well as to market your event to the people. So to help you and give you tips as regards your fundraising event, below are some useful ways to run a successful fundraising event.You may also check out wedding invitation ticket examples.
Girl’s Night Bunco Ticket
Make a Soft Launch
1. Importance
Before your main fundraising event, it is important that you first have a soft launch as this will allow you to gain some campaign momentum before the launch. Through your soft launch, many people will be reached and be informed of your fundraising event. This is a way of promoting your event through gathering people to come to your soft launch and witness a glimpse of the possible happening of the launch proper. So make use of this event to boost your marketing campaign for your fundraising event.Check out music event ticket examples.
2. Process
To get started, you can contact your dedicated supporters or your supportive fundraisers and ask them to create a page for your fundraising before the official launch of the event. These people surely have a lot of connections aside from their families and friends who can give a lot of support to your fundraising event. You can get a few key fundraiser started before the main even as this can attract more people when they know that you are closer to your goal with several supporters in your start-up.You may also see halloween party retro ticket examples.
Promote in All Your Communication Channels
1. Importance
Utilizing all your communication channels is important for a successful fundraising campaign people will get to know more about your event through different channels. Do not focus just on one communication channel as someone who might not be on social media is active in his or her email account. Using different communication channels can also widen the scope of your marketing, hence reaching out to more people in the different parts of the world.You may also see football tournament ticket examples.
2. Process
In order to reach a lot of people, there are tons of easy ways that are effective in your marketing. For example, in Facebook, you can change the background of your profile to something that is related to your fundraising. In this way, people will get notified that you have an upcoming event. You can also boost your post in Facebook to reach a specific market where you can choose the age bracket, location, or status of your target audience. For your websites, you can change the homepage features which includes a call-to-action for your fundraising event.You may also like blank festival ticket.
Send a Fundraiser Tip Sheet
1. Importance
In a fundraising event, typically, the success depends on the effort of your fundraisers. You must not rely solely on your own and seek help from your fundraisers who are willing to take part in the event. The information and knowledge that you give to your fundraisers can surely make a great difference. According to a research, two fundraisers were being compared, and the result shows that the one who received a one-page fundraising tip sheet raised almost three times as much as the one who did not receive any tips.You may also check out bridal shower boarding pass ticket designs & examples.
2. Process
There are a lot of fundraiser tip sheets that you can find online may it be a template or a printable tip sheet. Tip sheets are a great resource when you need to get the information out quickly. You may opt to have your own personalized and customized tip sheet so you can have your logo and other event details attached to it, but you can also use the pre-designed and ready-to-print designs. After deciding on whether to personalize or not, you can attach the tip sheet in the email for the fundraisers.
Set a Branded Online Donation Page
1. Importance
Normally, people would rely more on a thing that already has a brand or a name. Similarly, people will donate more when the page that they are visiting is a branded online donation page. Even if you are riding on someone’s website, you must make sure that all your donation checkout pages are branded to your organization. Having a checkout page would also make your fundraising not only formal and professional but also something that makes the donor experience more consistent and rewarding.You may also see carnival event ticket examples
2. Process
Customize your donation checkout page for your fundraising event. While the decision on whether to donate or not lies on the donor, your checkout page can make a difference too. You can choose a layout related to your event, add your campaign logo, and include a call-to-action that would invite the readers to take part if your fundraising event. Make sure that it is consistent with the design in your website, and do not forget to incorporate your branding in the design.
Set Up a Matching Period
1. Importance
Another effective market strategy that could boost your fundraising campaign before the main event is to set up a matching period. When donations tend to slow down especially during the middle of the campaign process, you can have a donation-matching period to help reignite the interest of the donors. It will also give a little nudge to people to take action and donate rather than delaying their donations and telling themselves that they can still do it in the later period.You may also like vintage event ticket designs & examples.
2. Process
Even before your fundraising campaign starts, you must already approach potential donors or partners and sponsors to take part of your event. You must start your matching promotion immediately even before the mid-campaign. Set the date or the maximum amount to be matched and promote your event through different channels such as your email, website, and social. Most of the time, donation-matching period is and incredible way to promote a campaign.You may also like music event ticket designs & examples.
Highlight the Reason for the Fundraising
1. Importance
Needless to say, in order for people to be enthusiastic in their donations, they must know where the donations would go after you collect them. You must inform the donors the reason for the fundraising and highlight the importance of the funds that they will be donating. In this way, they will know what they are signing up to and they would become willing and generous in giving since they already know the reason behind your fundraising event.You may also see event show time ticket examples.
2. Process
For the details of your fundraising event, you must present them formally and professionally such as writing them in an email and sending them to the potential donors, sponsors, and partners. You can design your letter in such a way that it contains your branding. Apart from the appearance, work on the content of your letter by citing more clearly the impact of their donations as well as the beneficiaries for the said event. Then, on your website, you can post an update regularly on the amount of donations currently on hand.You may also see wedding invitation ticket examples.
Post a Campaign Video
1. Importance
Posting a campaign video is one of the popular ways used by marketers to boost their advertisement and invitation. Short clips or videos would suffice as people do not want to spend their time more on long videos. Make your presentation direct and concise, and of course, appealing to both visual and auditory senses by bringing your cause and campaign to like. People can surely learn more through your videos posted, and this will inspire them to become a donor.
2. Process
In creating a video campaign, you can use your footage from your previous fundraising events, campaigns, or programs, giving the viewers a sneak peek on what will happen before and during the event. You can also use animations and infographics to convey your message or tell a story relating to your fundraising campaign. You may implement both and show your viewers the reasons why they must take part and get involved. You may also see VIP event tickets
Celebrate Success
1. Importance
Celebrating the success with your fundraisers is an important activity that you must also do after your fundraising event. This will serve as a little reinforcement for the effort and time that they share with you. This is also a way of acknowledging and celebrating the accomplishments in your fundraising event. Celebrating your success will encourage your community to keep working and striving toward achieving your goals. This will also lift up their spirits and be inspired to continue working with you.You might be interested in wedding ceremony boarding pass ticket designs & examples.
2. Process
Celebrating your success comes in many forms. You may consider setting weekly goals that, when achieved, you can post in the social media that you have reached your certain target for the week acknowledging the people behind the success if they want to be mentioned and be publicized. For your overall event, you may want to throw a short party or gathering to acknowledge the main fundraisers, donors, sponsors, partners, and everyone who helped you in making the fundraising event successful. You may also like plane boarding ticket examples.
Final Say
There are a lot of events that require the use or implementation of a ticket such as a fundraising event. In that event, the ticket serves as a gate pass for those who participated or attended the event. The ticket is also a way for the organizer to know and assess the number of attendees as well as the funds that they have raised for the beneficiary of their event.You might be interested in music logo design examples.
Encouraging people to take part of a fundraising event is challenging. What is more challenging is the planning and preparation stage. In this regard, presented above are the ways on how to run a successful fundraising event which are as follows: make a soft launch, promote using all your communication channels, send a fundraiser tip sheet, set a branded online donation page, set up a matching period, highlight the reason for the fundraising, post a campaign video, and lastly, celebrate success with your fundraisers.You may also see multipurpose retro party ticket designs & examples.
For a lesser hassle in designing a fundraising ticket, don’t forget to check out the examples and designs of fundraiser ticket in the previous section.