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14+ Good Friday Flyer Examples to Download

Last Updated: January 21, 2025

14+ Good Friday Flyer Examples to Download

Good Friday Flyer Designs & Examples

During Holy Week in the season of Lent, many people gather not only in churches but also in other religious areas to commemorate the betrayal, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. On Ash Wednesday, worshipers go to church to let their foreheads be marked with ashes or dust forming a cross sign— a symbol of repentance, prayer, fasting and remembering the dictum “Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return.” On Holy or Maundy Thursday, people commemorate the last supper of Jesus with his apostles.

On Good Friday, it is the commemoration of the death and crucifixion of Jesus. Black Saturday meanwhile is a day of prayer and repentance as Jesus is buried and laid in the tomb. Lastly, Easter Sunday is the celebration of the Jesus’ resurrection, the day when he conquered the grave and saved humanity of their sins. You may also see flyer designs & examples.

People in different parts of the world have their own ways of celebrating Holy Week, especially Good Friday. If you are involved in a religious organization and have planned some events this coming Good Friday, here are some flyer designs and examples you should check out.

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Good Friday Flyer Template

Things You Need to Know About Good Friday

If you happen to be someone who commemorates Holy Week, or maybe know someone who does, then you probably know a thing or two about it. Unfortunately, there are individuals who take the Lenten season for granted and just follow what other people are doing just for the sake it, not knowing the real meaning behind Jesus’ sacrifice which eventually saved humanity from extinction. You may also like party flyer examples

After Easter Sunday, Good Friday is the most important day of Holy Week. When Easter calls for celebration, Good Friday calls for meditation and repetance as Jesus Christ was falsely accused, betrayed and eventually crucified. Despite being the Son of God, he still voluntarily gave his own life to save not only his people, but generations and generations of individuals who walk this earth up to this day. You may also check out vintage flyer designs & examples

Here are some other important things you should also know about Good Friday.

1. Why is it Called “Good Friday”?

You might ask, “What good things happened on Good Friday?” And you might also be wondering “Why is it called good when Jesus was killed during that day?” You have a point, and here are some reasons why it is called such day. You may also see event flyer designs & examples

  • Based on the Catholic Encyclopedia, there are a lot of origins of the word “good.” Some say the word is based on the German phrase “Gottes Freitag”, meaning God’s Friday. You may also like retro flyer examples
  • There are also findngs where it came from the Medieval use of the word “good” which means “holy”, the same reason for having the terms Holy Thursday and Holy Saturday, thus naming the entire week as Holy Week.
  • According to Fiona MacPherson as she cited the Oxford English Dictionary, “good” designates a day on which religious events are held and are observed as holy by the church. You may also check out invitation flyer designs & examples

2. What Happened on Good Friday?

On Maundy Thursday, Jesus was betrayed by one of his disciples, Judas Iscariot. He was then arrested and taken before the high priests. There, he was denied by Peter three times. You may also like photography flyer designs & examples

Here is what happened after midnight according to the gospels.

  • In the morning, Jesus was taken before Pontius Pilate.
  • He was also sent to Herod, the King.
  • Then, He was returned to Pilate.
  • Along the way, He was being spitted, mocked, and beaten.
  • He was crowned with thorns and was condemned to death.
  • He carried the heavy cross where He would be nailed.
  • He was crucified between the two thieves, one of which asked to remember him when He will have come into His kingdom.
  • He assured the thief of his salvation.
  • He prayed to the Father and forgave those who crucified Him.
  • He said His famous seven last words before He died.
  • He cried out and died.

After Jesus died, there was darkness all over the land. Then, earthquake struck. The veil of the temple was torn in two. A soldier then pierced Jesus’ side, in which blood and water flowed out. Jesus was then buried in Joseph’s tomb and was mourned by his family and his disciples. You may also like rustic flyer designs & examples

3. Good Friday in Modern Times

Christian churches around the world hold masses and services on Good Friday. It is an ongoing tradition practiced by Christians for centuries now. You may also check out minimalist flyer design examples

4. Fasting and Abstinence

Fasting and abstinence is observed during Holy Week, especially on Good Friday. Holy Week is an opportunity for individuals to deny earthly things, strengthen the spirit, and reestablish a relationship with God. Full fasting is when you abstain not only from eating meat dishes (excluding fish) and consuming alcoholic drinks, but avoiding other actions that lead to sin. You may also see promotional flyer designs & examples

As written in the 1966 Apostolic Constitution Paenitemini, it states that “the law of fasting allows only one full meal a day, but does not prohibit taking some food in the morning and evening, observing—as far as quantity and quality are concerned—approved local custom.” You may also like fundraiser flyer designs & examples

In the 1917 Code of Canon Law meanwhile, it states that “the law of abstinence prohibits meat and soups made from meat but not of eggs, milks, and also whatever condiments are derived from animal fat.”

But the bottom line is that it really depends on you and your commitment to the Lord and to the church on how you will observe fasting and abstinence during Holy Week. You may also check out business flyer designs & examples

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Things You Need to Know About Good Friday (continuation)

5. Sacraments

It is said that only on this day of the year when the celebration of the mass is forbidden. As per Paschales Solemnitatis:

“59. On this day, in accordance with ancient tradition, the Church does not celebrate the Eucharist.

Holy Communion is distributed to the faithful during the Celebration of the Lord’s Passion alone, though it may be brought at any time of the day to the sick who cannot take part in the celebration.

61. All celebration of the sacraments on this day is strictly prohibited, except for the sacraments of Penance and Anointing of the Sick.”

However, baptism in danger of death is allowed, but funerals are being practiced without music and the bells being tolled. You may also see donation flyer designs & examples

6. Veneration of the Cross

Veneration is when one adores, honors, or respects something. Veneration of the cross is also observed during Lent. So, how is the cross venerated? As per Paschales Solemnitatis:

“68. For veneration of the cross, let a cross be used that is of appropriate size and beauty, and let one of the forms for this rite as found in the Roman Missal be followed.

69. The cross is to be presented to each of the faithful individually for their adoration since the personal adoration of the cross is a most important feature in this celebration; only when necessitated by the large numbers of faithful present should the rite of veneration be made simultaneously by all present.

Only one cross should be used for the veneration, as this contributes to the full symbolism of the rite.

During the veneration of the cross, the antiphons, reproaches, and hymns should be sung, so that the history of salvation be commemorated through song. Other appropriate songs may also be sung (cf. n. 42).” You may also check out grand opening flyer samples

7. What Happens After the Lord’s Passion?

It is stated in the Paschales Solemnitatis that after the celebration of the Lord’s Passion, the altar is stripped but is left with the cross and four candles. The Lord’s cross may be placed in an appropriate place within the church for it to be venerated, kissed, and meditated upon. You may also see event flyer examples

8. Other Devotions Appropriate on Good Friday

There are other devotions related to the commemoration of Good Friday such as the way of the cross, procession of the passion, and commemoration of the sorrows of the Blessed Virgin Mary. These activities are however assigned to different times during the day, making it more fulfilling and less stressful to followers and devotees. You may also like advertising flyer examples

Good Friday is meant to commemorate and observe the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Before Easter is celebrated, one must take time to reflect and ask for forgiveness during Good Friday as Christ made the ultimate sacrifice to save humanity.

We hope you found this article to be informative and enlightening during these holy times. Don’t forget to purchase from our collection of Good Friday flyers if you are planning to hold an event or share some information regarding God’s word this Good Friday. You may also check out summer flyer examples


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