14+ Graduation Announcement Examples to Download
After the sleepless nights, countless paperwork, and the continuous deadlines, the day has come where everything you’ve ever sacrificed for finally pays off — graduation day! Everyone knows how difficult it is to be a student.
Apart from being a teenager stuck in a young adult’s body, you’re forced to juggle multiple classes with additional school work, family time, as well as your social life. The pressure and responsibility that comes along with being a student is not the easiest thing to carry on your shoulders, so being blessed with the opportunity to graduate is something you can never take for granted. You may also see announcement email examples & samples.
To celebrate this milestone, there’s nothing like being surrounded by the love and support of your family and friends, which is why you need to find a way to connect with them directly. A graduation announcement is always a heartwarming surprise for loved ones, so carrying it out accordingly must be of top priority. You may also like birth announcement designs and examples.
Gold Picture Graduation Announcement Example
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Fun Graduation Announcement Ideas to Try
How often do you get to say you’re graduating in your lifetime? To most people, probably an average of three to four times tops. Being given the opportunity to stand in front of an audience wearing a special robe and cap doesn’t happen to everybody, so celebrating this momentous occasion is a must in nearly every country and culture. You may also check out funeral announcement designs and examples.
Graduation announcements can seem so simple, but also relatively complicated for people battling an inner dilemma on how they wish to deliver the news. There are different ways to execute a graduation announcement, and these clever ideas might just help you make a better choice:
1. Host a Party.
Parties are always a great way to get people together. You could host a dinner party at your house or at a fancy restaurant just across town, and send out a couple of graduation invitations to friends and relatives to let them know about it. You could organize a party for the entire batch as well, especially if everyone is on board with this idea. Make sure to plan out the party weeks before the specified date, as you wouldn’t want to deal with the last minute stress that comes with party planning.
2. Set a Prank.
Though this might not be the most appropriate way to announce that you’re graduating, it’s still fun concept to try out. You could set up hidden cameras around your house, or have a friend or family member video tape the whole scene as you inform the rest of the family that you aren’t graduating this year. It might seem like a cruel joke to some individuals, so be sure your parents and siblings are the type of people that could take things lightly.
A prank can really test how people would react if something unfortunate happens, and it’s a great way to build the suspense and excitement for what’s to come. And when you do tell them the truth about the situation, they’re sure to appreciate the blessing a lot more than usual.
Clean Simple Graduation Announcement Example
Spring Graduation Announcement Photocard Example
3. Make a Social Media Post.
A social media announcement might seem a little informal and a bit “out there”, but if you don’t mind sharing the big news to over five hundred of your Facebook friends, then there’s nothing stopping you from doing what you want. It could be a lengthy post expressing the struggles endured over the years, along with an expression of gratitude towards the people who made everything possible.
But if you aren’t one with the time (and desire) to put so much effort into a single post, then a photo with a brief caption would do. It’s a simple graduation announcement that does not require any resources to begin with.
4. Have a Photo Shoot.
Photos speak a thousand words, or so they say.
Scheduling a photo shoot with a professional photographer is a great way to capture memories and have something to look to when you’re older. You can have these images framed around your house, or use it as a collage for the cover of your invitations. You could also use these photos to create graduation postcards and graduation thank-you cards as part of the announcement.
5. Gather Everyone at Dinner.
If massive parties aren’t exactly your thing, then having a small get-together with loved ones over dinner is also a great way to celebrate your achievements. You could invite some of your closest friends and direct family members to keep the event intimate. Sending RSVP cards along with your invitations may also be necessary for venues that have strict reservation policies.
Large 2018 Graduation Announcement Example
Photoshoot Graduation Card Announcement Example
HS Graduation Announcement Card Example
New Black Graduation Announcement Example
6 Reasons to Send Out Graduation Announcements
The pressure to send out graduation announcements amidst everything else going on before your special day is pretty unsettling. But are graduation announcements really necessary? If you’re on the fence about it, here are some good reasons that might just convince you to make the right choice:
1. People would want to know.
And when we say “people”, we mean your closest friends and family members. Sure, the people you see on a regular basis would surely be the first ones to know. But how about the people you don’t see as often like relatives and friends from out of town? Though they aren’t obliged to know everything that goes on in your life, something as momentous as earning your degree is one thing that people might want to know about for their own reasons. You may also see party announcement designs and examples.
2. Bragging rights for your parents and relatives.
The pride and joy of seeing your child graduate is an incomparable feeling for any parent. Your family has been a good support system from the very beginning, whether this has been financially or emotionally. It wouldn’t hurt to let them go on and on about it for the next few months, even if it means hanging an enormous simple poster with your face printed on it just outside your house.
3. It’s an awesome keepsake.
Fast forward to twenty years from now when you’re rummaging through a shoe box of old stuff, finding a graduation announcement is sure to leave you with an intense feeling of nostalgia. This is a sentimental gift that you owe to your future self for all the hard work and sacrifices made to get you to where you are now.
4. Hinting could land you some cash.
Not to sound too materialistic or anything, but in many cultures, giving out a monetary reward is extremely common. And for somebody who’s about to embark in another chapter of their life, the extra money could be a great help to pay for new work clothes, apartment rent, and everything else that goes with being independent. You may also like baby announcement postcard designs and examples.
5. It’s a great way to celebrate another milestone.
Let’s not forget all the emotional breakdowns, the ten-minute cramming sessions before an exam, and the late nights spent studying at the local library. You did everything you could to come out on top. A graduation announcement is the perfect chance to let everyone know that you’ve finally achieved a dream you’ve worked so hard to reach. You may also check out college graduation speech examples.
6. It’s an opportunity to extend your thanks to certain people.
Perhaps you had a teacher in high school that inspired you to take the chance with the path you’ve been wanting to take? A mentor in your community church that helped you through your darkest moments? Family members that stepped in when you were so close to giving up? A graduation announcement is an excellent way to extend your thanks to those who made a huge impact in your life.
Color Block Graduation Announcement Example
Graduation Cap Announcement Invitation Example
New 2018 Graduation Announcement Example
Blue Pink Graduation Announcement Example
A Guide to Writing a Graduation Announcement
Creating a graduation announcement is a simple task that can be carried out successfully with the right attitude and mindset in place. There are a few things that you need to remember when creating a graduation announcement. Though these may be written formally or informally, depending on the situation at hand along with your personal preference, you still need to maintain proper etiquette when doing so. You may also like graduation greeting cards.
Besides your name, photo, and graduation year, there are some other details that make up a graduation announcement such as the the following:
1. Basic Information
When and where will the graduation ceremony and after-party be held? You need to be specific with these details to avoid confusion. But don’t just relay information, as you’d also want to make things interesting by capturing a sense of joy and pride with your choice of words. Since this is a social event, you need to sound as sociable as you possibly can. You may also see graduation label designs and examples.
2. Graduation Quote
While you could always keep things simple with just the names and event details, a great way to set yourself apart from others is to add some unique elements to your announcement. Not only will a graduation quote inspire others, but it will also help you stand out in the situation.
3. Other Relevant Information
If there are other things you wish to share to friends and family, you could do so through your graduation announcement. You could talk about your participation in various clubs and sports, as well as your plans after high school or college. You may also check out graduation banner designs and examples.
However, try not to tackle the subject of awards and other things that might sound boastful to other people. The only exception to this rule is when the person is graduating with high honors. After all, this is something that relatives might want to know about.
Whether you’re graduating from elementary, high school, college, or even from a postgraduate program, close friends and family would greatly appreciate it if you shared this major accomplishment with them through a simple graduation announcement. As you prepare to celebrate this news with others, ensure that your graduation announcement is properly written and formally addressed to loved ones to guarantee smooth and clear communication. You might be interested in student goals to achieve before graduating college.