The Perfect Guide to Designing Content for Better UX

Last Updated: April 28, 2024

The Perfect Guide to Designing Content for Better UX

You must be wondering, what part of a website is considered to be its content? Website content is more than just the array of blog posts that you go article to article from. To give you a proper analogy for this, take a human being for example. What makes a person whole is what you see from head to toe. So if we look at a website, its content includes every single aspect you see from the header down to the footer of each page.

However, some designers fail to recognize the significance of quality content in user experience. When it comes to e-commerce, you would want to increase the traffic of your website by engaging visitors and encouraging sales analysis. But the content strategy doesn’t only apply to websites, as this includes different forms of web and mobile applications as well.

Content Design

Some people would think that good quality content is all about proper alignment, applying grids, and adding eye-catching design colors, but content design goes far beyond the aesthetics. Think of it this way, content designing serves as the link between potential users and your central message. What can you do to strengthen this connection?

1. Design for the User

Would hate to state the obvious, but drilling this to your head seemed necessary. Designers typically spend countless hours perfecting the interface of a site or app to deliver a great user experience. But sometimes, they overlook a significant element that every website or application must hold, and that is to cater to the needs and preferences of all types of users.

Some individuals are extremely tech-savvy and well-informed while others…not so much. But regardless of knowledge and skill, most users feel frustrated when forced to learn how a website or application works. It’s not so much that people have become too lazy to ask for help or explore it on their own, it’s just that there could be a dozen other competing sites that offer an effortless user experience. It’s the UX team’s responsibility to create a wholesome experience for its target users.

2. Research and Analyze

Every client serves a particular market, exists in a certain industry, and has a clear vision of what they want to achieve. Because of this, it’s important for every designer to consider what the client needs in order to succeed in delivering a positive user experience for their prospective audience.

Learn about their competitors, such as the secret to their success, the mistakes you should avoid, and what you could do to stand out. You’ll come to learn that in every industry, company websites have a distinct way of managing a positive user experience.

3. See Things from the User’s Perspective

We often think that clients could pass as users as well, but that’s not exactly the case. It’s natural for clients to always consider business meeting requirements first and it’s the responsibility of the designer to comply to these accordingly. However, there are instances when the demands of a client no longer benefit the users. When this happens, it’s important for the designer to remind the client of the user’s needs in order to create the perfect balance between the client’s objectives and a better user experience.

4. Bridge the Gap between Designers and Writers

Ever come across a good write-up that’s seemingly underrated? It’s not unusual for this to happen, especially if the article or text fails to entice a reader at first glance. Instead of the design content and the written content complimenting one another, it looks as if the latter is struggling for dominance. Keep in mind that every single element of your website or application plays an essential role in the overall user experience. Knowing this, designers should be able to coordinate with writers in terms of creative input, such as what colors would suit best and whether or not it would appeal to readers.

5. Less Is More

Less Is More

You may have heard this many times before, but this golden rule in design needs to be emphasized well enough for you to understand. We all know that where there is simplicity, there is clarity. It’s important for designers to remember not to overcomplicate things that could greatly affect the user’s overall experience. Keep it to the bare minimum by eliminating unnecessary elements or tasks that could either distract or confuse a user from their main objective.

6. Tell a Story

By now, we’ve established that creating a great user experience goes beyond making a simple design and crafting content. You see, attracting an audience is one thing, but keeping them interested is another. And because developing a strong brand is essential for any type of business, it’s important for you to add this to your content. While this doesn’t mean you need to sell yourself out to your targeted audience, incorporating the values of your brand into your content is a great way to develop a deeper connection.

7. Think Bigger and Better

Notice how interfaces with bigger buttons, input fields, sliders, and the like are easier (and a lot more fun) to use than the standard radio buttons and checkboxes? There’s an interactive feel to it that seems to appeal to the average user. It would also be best to pay attention to proper labeling. Use to-the-point terminology when you provide instructions and the necessary placeholders. Considering that end users can be of any age, from any part of the world, using layman’s terms is essential for better understanding.

Remember, you can’t attain a good UX without proper content for your site. You may know about the do’s and don’ts of UX design, but do you ever apply these learnings to your work? In designing content for a better user experience, you must always think about the users before you start worrying about the design. Figure out what your users need for them to find exactly what they’re looking for without much hassle. After all, a design may be visually appealing but if it doesn’t live up to its intended purpose, then this could potentially discourage users from further exploring your website or application, or from using it ever again.

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