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11+ Halloween Party Retro Ticket Examples to Download

Halloween Party

Halloween is one of the most magical nights in every child’s life. It is the only night of the year where everyone, even the adults who have given up on having fun, dresses up as whoever they want to be. It’s normal to see ghosts, and skeletons, zombie brides, and even moon walking Michael Jackson along the streets, and even knocking on your front doors asking for candy.You may also like invitation ticket examples.

However, this tradition is pretty ironic since Halloween has stemmed from the ancient Celtic festival known as Samhain where people would light bonfires and wear costumes to ward off ghosts, which, for them are surely more real, more scary, and definitely more evil than a six-year-old under a white linen and holding a jack-o’-lantern.

But from that somber origin, Halloween has evolved into a day full of interesting activities that include trick-or-treating, carving the infamous jack-o’-lantern, eating sweet treats in a slightly unpalatable plating, festive gatherings, and, of course, donning cool costumes you’ve been preparing since Christmas last year.You may also see ticket designs.

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Halloween Party Retro Ticket

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Halloween Party Retro Ticket Example

Halloween Party Retro Ticket Example

Retro Halloween Ticket Kit

Retro Halloween Ticket Kit

Ancient Origins of Halloween

Before we proceed to discussing the bright lights and festive food found during Halloween, let us first understand where this tradition came from, and who started the whole shenanigan.

As we’ve briefly discussed earlier, Halloween can be dated back to the ancient Celtic festival Samhain (which is, by the way, pronounced as sow-in). The Celts, who lived about 2,000 years ago in what is now known as Ireland, celebrated their new year on the first of November.You may also see event tickets.

This is because the day marked the end of their summer and the harvest, and opens the beginning of the dark, cold winter which, unsurprisingly, is associated with human death. The Celts believed that on the night before the new year, the boundary between the worlds of the living and of the death became blurred. This gives the ghosts of the dead the chance to return to earth. This is why, on October 31, they would celebrate the Samhain. You may also see concert tickets.

The event will be commemorated by huge sacred bonfires around which the people will gather to burn crops and animals as sacrifices to their deities. Now, you must understand that these people were extremely dependent on the natural world. They weren’t touched by science, logic, or even Christianism back then.

They believed that the spirits of the dead can either cause damages or help their priests make predictions about the future, which they can use as a source of guide and comfort during the long, dark winter. They would wear costumes which typically consisted of animal heads and skins, and endeavored to tell each other’s fortunes.You may also see disco party invitations.

All of these rituals and beliefs changed when the Celts, by the 9th century, were influenced by Christianity. The traditions of the latter gradually supplanted the older Celtic rites. In 1000 AD, the Church made November 2 the celebration of All Souls’ Day to honor the dead. Many believe that this is their attempt at replacing the idolatrous Celtic Samhain with a related church-sanctioned holiday.You may also see ticket invitation designs.

This theory isn’t very unbelievable knowing that All Souls’ Day is celebrated similarly to Samhain. Big bonfires, parades, and dressing up, although this time as saints, angels, and devils, minus the animal heads, can be observed during the Christian holiday.

The All Saints’ Day celebration of the same church was called All-hallows or All-hallowmas. The night before that, which is the night of the Celtic Samhain, became known as All-Hallows Eve. Eventually, it was popularized as Halloween.You may also see halloween flyers.

Editable Halloween Retro Ticket

Editable Halloween Retro Ticket

Jack-O’-Lantern Halloween Ticket

Jack-O'-Lantern Halloween Ticket

Halloween Parties

By the 1920s and 1930s, many years after the Celts and their religion, Halloween had become a Church-issued community-centered holiday. The event would be celebrated with loud parades and town-wide Halloween parties to entertain the masses.

By the 1950s, the event has evolved into a holiday mainly for the young, since the year has seen a high number of newborns. From then on, Halloween celebrations were moved from the streets and from town centers into classrooms and homes where the children can be accommodated more easily.The practice of trick-or-treating was popularized again. It was a new way for the entire community to celebrate the occasion together. The families would provide the younger kids with sweets so that their neighbors wouldn’t play any tricks on them.You may also see music event tickets.

This gave birth to a new American tradition which is even popular now than it was many years ago. In fact, the celebration has grown so successful every year that Americans spend an estimated $6 billion on that one night. Although it’s only second to Christmas which is, undoubtedly, the biggest commercial holiday, the number is still pretty impressive.You may also see VIP event tickets.

Halloween VIP Pass Ticket

Halloween VIP Pass Ticket

Halloween Costume Party Ticket

Halloween Costume Party Ticket

Popular Halloween Costumes

Staying true to the root behind this holiday, we celebrate the occasion the way the Celts did: by dressing up. So if you are planning on showing up to a Halloween party this year, here is a short list of cool people you can dress up as on that night.

1. Wonder Woman.

It’s unsurprising that this superhero is on the list. A perfect representation of female strength and power, every five-year-old dreams of wearing her legendary Bracelets of Submission and her iconic golden tiara even for just a night.

2. A witch.

Witches are now considered synonymous to Halloween. With their beak noses, pointy hats, and maniacal laughter, they are as related to death as winter is to the Celts. A classic choice for every party goer. You may also see party invitations.

3. A unicorn.

Unicorns have gained so much popularity recently. So if you want to be a part of the cool crowd, dressing up as one just might help.

4. A pirate.

Another character that many kids out there want to portray. The black, shabby-looking clothes, pirate hat, eye patch, even a fake hook, and throw in a fake parrot in the ensemble, will definitely make you look Halloween ready.You may also see party flyers.

5. Zombie.

It simply makes sense to dress up as the undead (or The Walking Dead, whatever suits you) on the Celtic day of death.

6. Daenerys Targaryen.

This queen is so popular (and powerful) that even boys want to dress up as her. You just know that there will be at least a few Daenerys at your Halloween party. Jump into the mix.

7. Power Rangers.

One of the earliest and coolest superhero teams ever. Plus, you get to pick your color! This choice is great if you’re planning to dress up with five of your friends.You may also see kids birthday party menu designs.

8. Catwoman.

This costume is always perfect for those who want to look sexy without showing too much skin. Catwoman’s flattering, for the lack of a better word, onesie will highlight every girl’s best physical feature. Plus, who doesn’t love cats?

9. Dinosaur.

This one is perfect for anybody’s dog or cat, because who says they can’t dress up too?

10. Any of your favorite characters.

The best thing about Halloween is that you don’t have to stick to your preferences, or appearance, or even gender to dress up. You can be absolutely anyone you want. Mario doesn’t have to be a boy, and a mermaid can live on land too. If you have a superhero or a fictional character you want to be, be that for a night.You may also see house dinner party checklists.

Zombie Rock Halloween Event Ticket

Zombie Rock Halloween Event Ticket

Organizing a Halloween Party

If there is anything better than attending a Halloween party, it’s organizing one. Why wait for Christmas to bring families and friends together if you can do it in November? (It rhymes, which means it’s true.) Make the holiday important by celebrating it with the people you really want to witness you rocking your Halloween costume.

Although the Halloween can be a pretty busy day, organizing a small get-together doesn’t have to be as frightful as the Celtic ghosts. To make it easy for you, here is a thorough checklist to help you keep track of all that you need to do to make your party perfect.You may also see birthday party menu examples.

1. Candies and loot bags.

It’s Halloween. This is the main thing that everyone will look for, which means that it should be your top priority. You can simply set out glass jars filled with candies and mini scoops, and let your guests fill out their goodie bags themselves.

2. Spiked punch bowl.

It’s a party. This is what your adult guests will look for. A kick of colored rum is exactly what they need. You can color it a ghoulish green, a blood red, or a putrid purple. You can even add in dry ice to create a natural eerie mist.You may also see corporate party invitations.

3. Napkins, plates, utensils, and tablecloths.

These basic everyday supplies need to be transformed on Halloween too. You can design them yourself, or you can buy party-ready items in stores. You can just reuse them next Halloween, or death-theme birthday party.You may also see party menus.

4. Beverages and cups.

There will be a lot of thirsty mouths in your party (also, your guest zombie hasn’t drank anything since he got infected), so make sure you have a lot of drinks prepared. If you’re planning on an adults-only party, get crazy on the alcohol and cocktail drinks. But if there are toddlers invited, it’s your job to keep them hydrated too.You may also see tea party menu examples.

5. Appetizers.

The great thing about a Halloween party is that no one is really expecting for a full course meal. And all those sweets already ruined their appetite, so all you have to prepare for is plenty of savory items your guests can nibble on.

6. Desserts.

Halloween is basically just a gigantic protest against dentists. If there aren’t candies anywhere, that’s probably because there are too many cupcakes and cookies already. You can design your desserts with a variety of Halloween-appropriate designs, such as tiny pumpkins on top of your cupcake icing, or ghost-shaped cookies.You may also see photo party invitation designs.


Even if, technically, this holiday isn’t exactly as much of a big deal as birthdays, weddings, and Christmas, it doesn’t mean that we can jeopardize the quality of our invites. We still need to encourage people to come because their presence is what will make the event successful.

Sending out the right kind of invitations that is appropriate to your party’s theme, and to the general atmosphere of the holiday is important. It will make your recipients rush to the nearest department store to buy the perfect costume for your party. It will also help set the right mood for the occasion, and will make your guests feel that you’ve really put an effort into this.You may also see kitty party invitations.

Once you have your finalized guest list, you can proceed to creating and designing your own invitations to send to these people. However, we also have unique and creative invitation templates posted in this article you can choose from to make the effort less burdensome on your part.Excite your guests and bring an added glam to your Halloween party with these awesome Halloween invitation templates.You may also see wedding party invitations

Halloween Retro Ticket Template

Halloween Retro Ticket Template

A Night of Horror Halloween Ticket

A Night Of Horror Halloween Ticket

Halloween Party Reminders

Don’t let all the fun and pressure distract you from creating the best Halloween party there is. Here are a few things you must not forget while doing all your preparations:

1. Be specific about your guest list.

Your guest list is so important that you should plan it even before you start thinking about the food, the decor, or the venue. The people you choose to invite will help you decide on the ambiance that you will try to create for the event. Will it be child-friendly? Or will it definitely be for an adult audience? You don’t want to traumatize kids with an extremely scary decor, nor do you want to bore adults with a light atmosphere.You may also see rustic party invitations.

2. Be flexible about your party’s schedule.

Don’t get offended if people can’t come to the party you organized on the day of Halloween itself. It’s normal for people to have other plans. Also, it’s not uncommon to throw a Halloween party a week before the actual celebration. Think about your guests and consider what will work best for them.

3. Add a “Please Bring” to the invite.

The party preparation doesn’t have to be all yours, you know. You can, in fact, turn it into a team effort. You can ask your guests to bring small things with them, like paper plates, condiments, or even drinks. You can communicate with your guests so that they can learn how they can contribute to the event.You may also see carnival party invitations.

Make the best out of the holiday by celebrating it with close friends and family, and let them know just how much thought you’ve put into it by sending out the scariest, coolest Halloween party tickets ever!You may also see minion party invitations.


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