14+ Holiday Postcard Examples to Download

Last Updated: April 27, 2024

14+ Holiday Postcard Examples to Download

Holiday Postcard

Living in an age of text messages and online chats, the last thing you’d expect is someone asking you to send them a postcard over the holidays. But for years, sending holiday postcards to friends and family has become a common tradition that both the sender and the recipient look forward to every year. We send these postcard designs to tell our loved ones how much fun we’re having or how thankful we are to have them in our lives.

But because sending postcards isn’t as common as it used to be, the whole practice has left individuals of the younger generation scratching their heads. But to be honest about it, it’s as easy as pie. To let you in on this old-fashioned craft, here are a few things you need to know about writing and sending postcards.

Reindeer Christmas Postcard

Writing a Holiday Postcard

As members of society, we celebrate different kinds of holidays all year round. From Christmas to Thanksgiving, the holiday season is filled with various festivities that bring people from different parts of the world together. So when writing a postcard, what exactly are you supposed to write?

For one thing, holiday postcards have three basic characteristics. They’re often short and to-the-point, fairly positive, and quite predictable in content. Think about it, have you ever read a postcard that’s seemingly negative and gloomy? The whole point of the holidays is to spread positive vibes all around, not to make people feel bad about life. It’s important to keep your postcard as short and as clear as possible, because unlike text messaging, your conversation isn’t a spontaneous one. You could either write your message in a form of a letter, or do it informally by forgetting about the basic parts of a letter. So cut to the chase, say what you want to say, and don’t stress about it.

Remember, a holiday postcard is meant to be fun and casual, even if you’re sending one to your boss (but try to be courteous if you must). There’s no need to overcomplicate things and you don’t have to break the bank to get a good postcard ready. After all, the best holiday postcards are those that come from the heart.

Funky Winter Holiday Postcard

Vector Holiday Postcard

Vector Holiday Postcard

Love & Joy Postcard

Essential Elements of a Good Postcard

There’s something special about a postcard. It’s the thought that somebody cared enough to think about you at a certain time. But you must be asking yourself, what must a good postcard possess? If you’re planning on making a customized postcard on your own, remember these essential elements:

1. Message

When writing a postcard, whether it’s a holiday postcard or a travel postcard, keep in mind that its content would depend on its primary purpose. Are you writing to share stories about your trip? Or is this your way of saying thanks for something? Whatever it is, make sure you keep it short and simple. Make your message clear enough for your recipient to understand, yet interesting enough to deserve a reply. You also have to consider whether or not you should adjust your handwriting to fit the size of the postcard before you decide on the length of your message.

2. Graphics

Ever noticed how a postcard typically ends up on your fridge door or as a Christmas tree decoration? That’s because most postcards are too beautiful to throw away so easily. We can find an image of a stunning scenery or a graphic design of a particular theme lying on the opposite side of where the message should be. Picking out a postcard with captivating graphics has to be the most fun part of all, considering this is what grabs the most attention. If none of the postcards on the store’s rack suit your taste, try searching online for some good graphics to add to your postcard instead.

3. Image and Caption

Although this is completely optional on your end, it wouldn’t hurt to attach an image that’s relevant to your main purpose. You see, images are always good for safekeeping, especially if you add a little caption to describe it. This will make your postcard a lot more meaningful for the receiver to treasure as well. Not only does it add to the emotional feel of the postcard, but it also gives you the extra space to write a message. But if you already have a customized postcard with a personal image lying on one end, feel free to skip this step.

Digital Love Postcards

Summer Holiday Postcard

Summer Holiday Postcard

Family Holiday Postcard

Family Holiday Postcard

Assorted Holiday Postcard

Assorted Holiday Postcard

Fun Holiday Party Service Postcard

Fun Holiday Party Service Postcard

Holiday Postcard in PSD Design

Holiday Postcard in PSD Design

Vintage Holiday Postcard

Vintage Holiday Postcard

Snow Holiday Postcard

Snow Holiday Postcard

8 Tips in Sending a Holiday Postcard

With the holidays fast approaching, it’s now time to get those postcards done. So practice your penmanship, get your mailing list ready, and consider these eight helpful tips:

  • Make your message clear. The standard postcard has two sides: one with a full image and the other consisting of a blank canvas for you to write on. A lot like writing a letter, you’d want to be clear and concise with your message. If you’re writing to various people, try not to sound too generic by switching it up a little. Make sure it’s personal and heartfelt, not some quote you copied from the internet. This will make your postcard more meaningful, and your recipient will surely be touched by it.
  • Serve a purpose. While your main purpose for writing is to send  greeting card and well wishes, you might have a few other things you’d want to include. Hosting a house party? How about a charity event? Whatever it is, you might want to add it to your postcard. This would be a great way to grab a person’s attention, while also using the postcard for more than one purpose.
  • Connect with your recipient. The relationship you have with the person you’re writing to must be special, considering that you’re taking time out of your day to create a postcard for them. With that in mind, remember to connect with your recipient through your choice of words. You could recall the memories you’ve shared during the past holidays, or probably a message of thanks for being a part of your life. Whatever it is, make sure you don’t sound forced or robotic.
  • Don’t wait for Christmas. Apart from the Christmas season, there is numerous holidays all year round that are widely celebrated. You could send a separate postcard for the New Year, or how about a sweet Valentines postcard for friends and family? It’s a simple gesture that shows how much you care about a person. You’d be surprised how a little postcard could turn a frown upside down.
  • Add your own twist and style. For those who have the time and personality to it, this one’s definitely for you. Go out of the norm by ditching those traditional postcards you find in store racks, and start making a more personalized one. Take some witty photos and go for a photocard instead. The best part about this is that it shows more about who you are as a person, along with your creative side. After all, holiday postcards aren’t meant to be formal and serious.
  • Don’t leave anyone important out. The people you send postcards to could possibly come from any part of the world. It would be best to keep a mailing list in handy by collecting home addresses weeks or months before the actual holiday. It would be better to be discreet about it as well, especially if you want the whole thing to be a surprise.
  • Do it early. Christmas season has to be the busiest time of the year. You can only imagine how hectic the post office would be, probably turning into a real-life version of Santa’s toy factory. So with the chaotic scene in place, you can’t expect a timely delivery. The lines at the post office wouldn’t be in your favor, either. Knowing this, it would be best to start writing and sending those postcards earlier than usual.
  • Make a follow-up if necessary. Have you ever experienced trouble with your mail? Let’s say, not getting it on time? Or maybe it never came? Considering it’s the holiday season, there’s always a possibility of a delay due to the weather condition or possibly losing your postcard in a sea of a mail. To ease your mind, don’t hesitate to ask your recipients if they got your postcard or make a follow-up at the post office.

The holidays are a time when we get to celebrate the season with the ones who mean the most to us. And there’s nothing more heartwarming, and pleasantly surprised than to get a good old holiday postcard in the mail! It doesn’t have to be the most expensive postcard in store, nor does it need to be exclusive for the widely celebrated holidays. You could always make the most out of a postcard by sending it to people you love at any time of the year.


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