Instagram Ad

Last Updated: April 27, 2024

Instagram Ad

We all know that visual storytelling is a creative space to explore for your promotional campaign. But as we slowly enter an era of all things digital, perhaps it’s time to evolve from a standard billboard advertisement into a modern Instagram ad.

Instagram is the perfect platform for marketers that are looking to advertise their products and services to a young and growing audience. But because of how crowded it can get, designing a powerful Instagram ad that’s worth one’s time and attention is a challenge that many advertisers struggle with. So in this article, we’ll discuss the basics of a good Instagram ad along with a few guidelines on how to create one.

Elements of an Instagram Ad

Here are the key elements of a successful Instagram ad:

1. Eye-Catching Visual: If Twitter is a social network centered on words, then Instagram is a platform driven by visual content. Anything you publish on Instagram will be viewed, and possibly criticized, by your followers and random page visitors. Thus, the key is to build engagement by prompting an emotional interaction through your ads. A simple like or comment on your photos depicts user engagement. This is something you must aim for with your both your organic and sponsored posts.

2. Attention-Grabbing Caption: Even though Instagram is a visual haven, you can also use words to add value to your visuals. This will help solidify the point you are trying to convey for viewers to connect with it. It’s best to speak in the language of your audience. That way, people would spend more time on your ad before they scroll to the next post on their feed. This will also encourage them to click on the CTA or leave a comment on your ad. You may also see famous brand marketing examples.

3. Clear Call to Action: These are a words or phrases that invite users to click on the button of your ad. Fortunately, Instagram already has a special button for your CTA, which is consistent in every sponsored post published on the network. Your CTA may vary depending on how you expect users to respond to your ad. Some examples include the words Install Now, Download, Buy Tickets, Contact Us, Sign Up, and many more.

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10+ Instagram Ad Examples

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How to Create an Instagram Ad

Mobile commerce has become increasingly popular in recent years thanks to the continuous advancements in technology. As one of the prime platforms for social networking, getting Instagram right has turned into the holy grail for many marketers. However, the magic of visual storytelling goes beyond the development of simple advertisements. These days, it takes a lot of skill to create a compelling Instagram ad.

1. Define your goal: Every successful ad begins with a strong concept and a clear objective. Are you trying to boost your market’s brand awareness? Do you want to see better numbers in terms of website conversions? Or perhaps you want to advertise a new application that users should download? Whatever it is, the general concept of your ad should center around this marketing goal. This will help you tailor your content according to what you aim to achieve.

2. Develop a visually compelling campaign: A defined goal will give you a creative direction to follow. With this, you can create a marketing campaign that’s in line with your brand identity. Start by studying different requirements and considerations that need to be made. This includes information on ad dimensions, text limits, color patterns, and more. Once these factors have been determined, you can slowly build your ad and incorporate your brand. Make sure that the elements included in the ad remain consistent with any kind of material you put out, digital ads or not.

3. Create a call to action: CTAs are a key aspect of any advertisement. They serve as a guide for viewers to know how they may engage with your ad through specific actions. Fortunately, Instagram offers a couple of options for you to choose from, some of which include Apply Now, Book Now, Contact Us, Learn More, and Shop Now. This should motivate your audience to respond the way you want them to in a clear and direct manner.

4. Use hashtags: Once you have finished with the content of your ad, remember to use hashtags in your caption. Hashtags are an essential tool in the world of social media marketing. For one, they make it easier for you to categorize your ad and target your audience. You can take advantage of popular hashtags that are relevant to your ad in order to insert yourself into news feeds that are often visited by a particular group of users. Creating your own trend-worthy hashtag may also increase brand awareness, especially when hosting a contest for your online customers.

Tips for Making an Instagram Ad

You’ve probably spent countless hours preparing a series of social media posts for an upcoming campaign. With the time and effort spent on production alone, you obviously want your ad to reach your audience in a way that it is intended to. This means capturing their attention and keeping them engaged. To help you do so, refer to the following tips:

  • Know your audience: Always design for your target viewers, not for yourself. Having a better understanding of what your viewers want to see will help you generate a higher response rate. You can conduct a survey to find out their likes and dislikes, and tailor your content according to what you’ve gathered. You can also measure the success of your ad by accepting feedback from your audience.
  • Create a focal point: Once you have captured the attention of your viewers, you only have a few seconds to make an impression. It’s important to decide on the main takeaway of your ad. This could be the product you are advertising or the brand message you want people to remember. To draw attention toward it, position text and graphics in such a way that compliments the focal point of your photo. You may also see marketing trends.
  • Use the power of color and contrast: Another way to attract attention and highlight your message is to apply bold colors and strong contrasts to your photo. As most Instagram users see it, an aesthetically pleasing design is everything. Choosing a creative combination of text and graphic elements will help build interest and make the central details of the image pop.
  • Pay attention to brand consistency: Notice how some of the most popular Instagram accounts remain consistent with every post. Maintaining the same aesthetic between your organic and paid content will help you stand out and gain recognition in a sea of competitors. Thus, establishing a unique Instagram strategy for your brand must be prioritized. By applying a distinctive concept to each one of your posts, consumers will develop a sense of familiarity toward your brand.
  • Limit the use of text: As mentioned before, Instagram is an image-based social network that relies heavily on visuals to tell a story. But that doesn’t mean you aren’t allowed to place text directly on the image, as long as you keep your message short and straightforward. You can experiment with typography and different text placements to see what works best for your ad. Also, ensure that the content of your ad stays visible despite the presence of other elements.

Types of Instagram Ads

With Instagram ads gradually evolving, finding a suitable type of Instagram ad to increase brand awareness, boost website visits, and improve offline sales is crucial to your company’s success. That being said, here are the different types of Instagram ads to consider trying:

  • Picture Ads: This is the simplest and most popular ad format that has existed since the world of Instagram ads came to be. Here, advertisers create sponsored posts to feature a product or service offer on a user’s timeline with the help of a striking image. A call to action may also be added to lead users to your business website. This can include phrases like Shop Now, Install Now, or Learn More.
  • Multi-Photo Carousel Ads: If one image isn’t enough to communicate your message, you can opt to use Instagram’s carousel ads to showcase multiple photos within a single post. This allows you to display your product from different angles or to tell a story through a sequence of photos. You may also see Twitter marketing strategy examples.
  • Picture and Interactive Navigation: This is a bit more complicated than the other types mentioned. In this feature, a tool is incorporated into the ad that enables users to build their own product without leaving the platform. While this may not be a common choice for most advertisers, it’s still a unique experience that viewers are sure to remember.
  • 30-Second Video Ads: Ever since Instagram extended its video length to 30 seconds from the previous 15, advertisers slowly began posting video ads as a cinematic approach to digital marketing. These videos allow you to tell brief yet visually creative stories in order to engage your online audience.
  • Marquee: Instagram’s Marquee format is described to be an ad feature that helps you expand your reach within a short period of time. It showcases rich content and positions posts at the top of the page for mass visibility. This is perfect for addressing an ongoing topic that viewers can relate to.

Instagram Ad FAQs

Are Instagram ads safe?

Long gone are the days when every single ad on the platform was filtered. Nowadays, even companies selling fake shoes, clothes, and electronics have managed to make a profit by posting misleading advertisements on the network. Although these ads are usually reported and flagged as being unsafe, you can never be too careful. Thus, as an advertiser, earning the public’s trust through your Instagram ad is crucial to your company’s success.

What is the best way to advertise on Instagram?

Apart from making an eye-catching ad, there are other ways to increase your social media presence online. For one, you can host an Instagram contest where participants can re-post your ad, tag their friends in the comment section, or share your post in their Instagram stories. Using catchy hashtags on your posts, directing visitors to your product page, and posting discount vouchers and coupons are other ways to conduct a successful Instagram marketing campaign.

What’s the best time to post on Instagram?

Studies that look into the standard user activity on the app show a trend that might help you gain the best possible results for your Instagram ads. For instance, customer interaction is more frequent during Thursdays, making it the best time to post your ad. Tuesdays through Fridays at 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. are safe zones to take note of. However, since most users are likely to spending their Sundays binge watching movies, spending time with their loved ones, or even doing homework, it’s known to be the least engaging day for Instagram.

So there you have it! Get creative with your Instagram ads today with the help of the templates and design ideas provided in this article.

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