Graduation Dinner Invitation

Last Updated: April 27, 2024

Graduation Dinner Invitation

The last step in a students’ educational journey is attending his or her graduation ceremony. It is the final event they’re going to participate in, as students before entering the life of adulthood. Students celebrate their graduation either by throwing a party or through dinner together with their family and friends. But the question is, how does a student invite someone to celebrate their graduation? Well, a creative graduation dinner invitation would be sent out to request the presence of the students’ relatives and friends.

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2. Graduation Dinner Party Invitation in PSD

Greenery Wreath Graduation Dinner Party Invitation

3. Graduation Anniversary Dinner Party Invitation


4. Sample Graduation Dinner Invitation Template

Sample Graduation Dinner Invitations

5. Printable Graduation Dinner Party Invitation

Printable Graduation Dinner Party Invitation Template

What Is a Graduation Dinner Invitation?

A graduation dinner invitation is a type of invitation card mailed out or personally given to the students close family and friends requesting them to attend the family dinner celebration of his or her graduation. The ceremony is usually held at dinner because it is the time where everyone is free of work and other daily errands. Sending out invitations is how you express to someone that he or she is part of your educational success. Invitations were first used back in the middle ages. Wealthy people hire individuals who are skilled in calligraphy to craft their invitations. Classic and elegant invitations are how wealthy people express their status in society. That is why an invitation needs are creative and lively to leave a long-lasting impression on the guest.

The Difference Between A Party and Dinner Celebration

Students would choose to celebrate their graduation by partying with their friends, which is reasonable since they want to spend their last day of being young. A survey from Eden Prairie Company revealed that the average amount spends on graduation parties is $983. It is usually attended by a large crowd and students dance all night long with some party music. Dinner celebration, on the other hand, is an intimate and semi-formal gathering of close family and friends. This type of meeting usually has a soft and mellow atmosphere and is celebrated through delicious food and family talks. If the dinner is held in a household, indoor games can also be done to add a bit of fun throughout the celebration. Students are often free to choose what type of celebration they would want for their graduation. After all, it is their day to celebrate.

How to Design a Graduation Dinner Invitation

There are a lot of sample templates for a graduation dinner invitation available online, but if you want to create your invitations, here are some steps and guidelines for you to follow:

1. Think Of a Unique Design

Think of your own creative and unique ideas for your dinner invitation. Think of a kind design that once the guest receives the invitation, they would already know who it is from. An invitation can also portray your image, so it needs to be done creatively. It will leave a memorable impression to your guests if your dinner invitation has an eye-catching design. Think about the possible themes, font styles, and creative graphics that will add a sparkle to your dinner invitation.

2. Use Photos

You can add your graduation photo as a background or highlight of your invitation. Make sure that the photo you’re going to use doesn’t overwhelm the entire document. You have to be smiling in your picture to give off happy vibes to the guests and to portray the genuineness of your invitation. Even though it’s your dinner celebration, you can also include pictures together with your parents and have them in a mini collage type of design.

3. Personalize Your Invitation

Adding brief handwritten notes such as “I hope to see you there!” or “I would appreciate it if you can come.” can make your invitation more engaging. Computerized wording is pretty standard these days, so adding a bit of personal touch to your graduation dinner invitation means that you want the guest to attend the event and can be an attractive feature to your invitation.

4. Be Mindful 0f Your Wording

Naturally, invitations are brief and informative, so you need to be careful in how you deliver your words. Make sure that your phrases or clauses are engaging and welcoming. Don’t be too formal on your invitation, remember that you’re inviting close family and friends, so be sure to balance formality so that the guests will feel welcomed.

5. Add Some Tokens

Think outside the box and add some tokens for the guests to remember by. You can insert or attach something like bookmarks or laminated greeting cards personalized by you. This will be the token in celebrating your memorable day and something to look back to as one of the happy events in your life.


What do you mean by RSVP?

RSVP means responses si’l vou plait. It is a French phrase, which means “Please respond” in English. Invitations have rsvp at the bottom of the card with the name and contact number of a person. That particular person is who the guest is going to contact, whether if they can attend the event or not. This is very much needed to finalize the headcount, seating arrangements, and how much food will be needed to serve at an event. RSVPs is essential because it prevents mishaps and confusions in a gathering.

When do I send my dinner invitations?

You can send your dinner invitations one or two weeks before the celebration day. This will give the guests enough time to check their calendars and schedule that specific day to attend the celebration. You need to send out your invitations early so that your guests can prepare what they need to bring for your special day as a way of congratulating you for your educational success.

Can I invite my teachers to my dinner celebration?

Yes, you can invite your teachers. Even your parents can invite their co-workers to celebrate your graduation, but make sure to be a good host and entertain your teachers as they attended the celebration on your behalf.

Celebrating a students’ graduation together with close family and friends is how parents can honor their child’s’ hard work. Middle school, high school, and college graduations have equal value in a students’ educational journey and need excellent recognition. One must value the importance of a graduation dinner invitation because this is how a parent and a student spread the great news of the students’ educational achievement.

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