Professional Product Manager Email Signature Examples to Download
Email signatures have become an integral part in email conversations. These days, it seems that an email is incomplete without an email signature. They don’t only add to the aesthetics of the email, but are also very useful as they provide various functions and options.
This article is intended to provide examples for a product manager email signature. But don’t worry, the examples provided can also be applicable for other managers as well. Check out our examples (in PSD and AI format) below!
Professional Product Manager Email Signature
Product Manager Email Signature Example
Essential Tips in Creating an Email Signature
Listed below are some essential tips in creating an email signature. Take note that the tips are not only for product manager email signatures but all types of email signatures.You may also see content writer email signature designs
1. Place priority on text
The text referred here is the personal information that you will be listing down. Personal information does not pertain to information that you will compromise your identity and financial security (i.e. passwords, pin codes, and other confidential information). The text that you will be listing down are the following: full name, position or designation in the company, and contact number. There is no need to list down the email address in the email signature as the email address can be found in the email thread.You may also see professional email signature
The main function of the email signature can be found in the text, as the clients in which you will be having email conversations with will be referring to the email signature
You also have the option to insert quotes in the email signature, provided that there is still space for the quote to be added. The size of the email signature is already small as it is, so make sure that if you will be inserting a quote, the quote should only one line or one sentence maximum. To give you an idea on what quotes to include in the email signature, here are some famous motivational quotes:
- Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference. -Robert Frost
- Life isn’t about getting and having, it’s about giving and being. -Kevin Kruse
- The mind is everything. What you think you become. -Buddha
- Eighty percent of success is showing up. -Woody Allen
- You can never cross the ocean until you have the courage to lose sight of the shore. -Christopher Columbus
- Either you run the day, or the day runs you. -Jim Rohn
- People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing. That’s why we recommend it daily. -Zig Ziglar
- Ask and it will be given to you; search, and you will find; knock and the door will be opened for you. -Jesus
- Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined. -Henry David Thoreau
2. Limit the use of designs and colors
Unfortunately, the usefulness and effectiveness of an email signature is not reliant on the designs and colors. But it does not mean that the design should be compromised. Aesthetics is still an important part of an email signature, and you simply do not want to use a plain white or black background for the email signature. It will look really bland and boring.You may also see web developer email signatures examples.
It will be your decision on what designs and colors to implement for the email signature. But make sure to choose the correct design and color which will comprise the final layout of the email signature. You may be asking what the correct or right design will be used for the email signature. It does not really matter as long as the email signature does not look cluttered or overstuffed.You may also see college email signature examples.
In regards to the color, you can use similar colors or contrasting colors, although contrasting colors look more attractive. Similar colors are colors which are found on the same color scheme or palette (for example, shades of blue, shades of yellow, or shades of red). Contrasting colors are meanwhile two or more entirely different colors used in one design (for example, blue and red, orange or green, yellow and black, etc.). Neutral colors such as black and white can be matched with any colors, thus can be the perfect colors for any color that you choose for the email signature.You may also check out here sales manager email signature examples.
3. Insert your photo
Email signatures have a similar function to an identification card. They present basic information in a clear manner. Email signatures work in a similar way, as they present the written information to the client or customer who will be reading or replying to the email.You may also see training email signature designs.
The photo is another essential component of the email signature. Basically, an email signature is not complete without a photo. The customer or client will have a hard time identifying the person sending the email if there is no photo included in the email signature. Listed below are some tips when inserting a photo in the email signature:
- The dimensions of the photo should either be 1×1 (200 ppi or 200×200 px) or 2×2 (200 ppi or 400×400 px). The focus on the face is much more important than inserting a full body photo.
- The attire should be formal, business casual, or smart casual. You can opt to wear a suit and tie, or a suit with no tie, a button down shirt, or a simply a polo shirt.You may also check out here printable corporate email signature designs & examples.
- The photo background should be white so that the focus will be on your face and not on the background.
- Before the photo is taken, adding a little bit of makeup is fine but not necessary.
4. Insert hyperlinks
Hyperlinks have made their way to email signatures. Similar to photos, hyperlinks play an important role in email signatures and the effectiveness of email signatures are decreased if hyperlinks are not included. Hyperlinks let users, or in this case your customers or clients, easily view your company profile through the link you attached. You can now easily insert the link of your website to the email signature without any problems whatsoever.You may also see tech startup email signature designs.
The hyperlink should be inserted at the bottom part of the email signature, right below the other text (including the quote). You can also add icons before the hyperlink to add a little bit of creativity to the email signature. The icon can either be the company logo or an icon related to your field (for example, car icon if you are a car salesman, stethoscope icon if you are a doctor, book icon if you are a lawyer, etc.).You may also see human resource email signature designs.
The great thing about email signatures is that they don’t need to be printed, so you can easily change the hyperlink whenever and wherever you like. It will not in any way affect your transactions with clients or customers.
How to Become an Effective Product Manager
Being a product manager can both be enjoyable and tiring. There are times where you feel relaxed, while there are times where tasks seem to be difficult to accomplish. But nonetheless, being a product manager is always a privilege and will launch your career in a positive way. Here are some tips in becoming a more effective product manager.You may also see project manager email signature designs
1. Continuously improve products
Being an effective product does not imply one to be sitting in a desk all day long and wait for the revenues to arrive. Business simply does not work that way. Product managers, or in general all types of managers need to be hands-on and continuously strive to deliver the best products to the market. A company or business organization needs to continuously improve its products to not only stay profitable, but to stay relevant in a constantly evolving business environment. The product manager is at the forefront of the company’s products and services being improved on a regular basis.You may also see hotel travel email signature designs
2. Constantly monitor performance of the team
A product manager is also a leader, and he makes sure the team or department he is handling performs at the highest level consistently. One of the roles of the manager is the monitor his team’s performance– daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly. It is a tough task, but the company simply cannot succeed if employees are under performing which in turn results to low revenues and irate customers.You may also see company email signature examples.
Monitoring the performance of the team helps the manager identify possible deficiencies of team members, and look for solutions to improve performance and overall quality of work.
3. Check the competition
You may have heard that managers are too focused on developing and improving their own products that they completely ignore the performance of their competitors. On the contrary, it is rather the opposite as managers have an eye on their competition, constantly checking the performance in the market as well as their financial status. This allows managers to create a more detailed and comprehensive plan on how they can improve their products and services as well as develop newer products which will be better than the ones sold by their competitors.You may also see The dos and don’ts of a good email signature
We hope you found this article to be informative as you will be creating your own professional product manager email signature.You may also see business manager email signature examples.
Professional Product Manager Email Signature Examples to Download
Email signatures have become an integral part in email conversations. These days, it seems that an email is incomplete without an email signature. They don’t only add to the aesthetics of the email, but are also very useful as they provide various functions and options.
This article is intended to provide examples for a product manager email signature. But don’t worry, the examples provided can also be applicable for other managers as well. Check out our examples (in PSD and AI format) below!
Professional Product Manager Email Signature
Product Manager Email Signature Example
Essential Tips in Creating an Email Signature
Listed below are some essential tips in creating an email signature. Take note that the tips are not only for product manager email signatures but all types of email signatures.You may also see content writer email signature designs
1. Place priority on text
The text referred here is the personal information that you will be listing down. Personal information does not pertain to information that you will compromise your identity and financial security (i.e. passwords, pin codes, and other confidential information). The text that you will be listing down are the following: full name, position or designation in the company, and contact number. There is no need to list down the email address in the email signature as the email address can be found in the email thread.You may also see professional email signature
The main function of the email signature can be found in the text, as the clients in which you will be having email conversations with will be referring to the email signature
You also have the option to insert quotes in the email signature, provided that there is still space for the quote to be added. The size of the email signature is already small as it is, so make sure that if you will be inserting a quote, the quote should only one line or one sentence maximum. To give you an idea on what quotes to include in the email signature, here are some famous motivational quotes:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference. -Robert Frost
Life isn’t about getting and having, it’s about giving and being. -Kevin Kruse
The mind is everything. What you think you become. -Buddha
Eighty percent of success is showing up. -Woody Allen
You can never cross the ocean until you have the courage to lose sight of the shore. -Christopher Columbus
Either you run the day, or the day runs you. -Jim Rohn
People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing. That’s why we recommend it daily. -Zig Ziglar
Ask and it will be given to you; search, and you will find; knock and the door will be opened for you. -Jesus
Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined. -Henry David Thoreau
2. Limit the use of designs and colors
Unfortunately, the usefulness and effectiveness of an email signature is not reliant on the designs and colors. But it does not mean that the design should be compromised. Aesthetics is still an important part of an email signature, and you simply do not want to use a plain white or black background for the email signature. It will look really bland and boring.You may also see web developer email signatures examples.
It will be your decision on what designs and colors to implement for the email signature. But make sure to choose the correct design and color which will comprise the final layout of the email signature. You may be asking what the correct or right design will be used for the email signature. It does not really matter as long as the email signature does not look cluttered or overstuffed.You may also see college email signature examples.
In regards to the color, you can use similar colors or contrasting colors, although contrasting colors look more attractive. Similar colors are colors which are found on the same color scheme or palette (for example, shades of blue, shades of yellow, or shades of red). Contrasting colors are meanwhile two or more entirely different colors used in one design (for example, blue and red, orange or green, yellow and black, etc.). Neutral colors such as black and white can be matched with any colors, thus can be the perfect colors for any color that you choose for the email signature.You may also check out here sales manager email signature examples.
3. Insert your photo
Email signatures have a similar function to an identification card. They present basic information in a clear manner. Email signatures work in a similar way, as they present the written information to the client or customer who will be reading or replying to the email.You may also see training email signature designs.
The photo is another essential component of the email signature. Basically, an email signature is not complete without a photo. The customer or client will have a hard time identifying the person sending the email if there is no photo included in the email signature. Listed below are some tips when inserting a photo in the email signature:
The dimensions of the photo should either be 1×1 (200 ppi or 200×200 px) or 2×2 (200 ppi or 400×400 px). The focus on the face is much more important than inserting a full body photo.
The attire should be formal, business casual, or smart casual. You can opt to wear a suit and tie, or a suit with no tie, a button down shirt, or a simply a polo shirt.You may also check out here printable corporate email signature designs & examples.
The photo background should be white so that the focus will be on your face and not on the background.
Before the photo is taken, adding a little bit of makeup is fine but not necessary.
4. Insert hyperlinks
Hyperlinks have made their way to email signatures. Similar to photos, hyperlinks play an important role in email signatures and the effectiveness of email signatures are decreased if hyperlinks are not included. Hyperlinks let users, or in this case your customers or clients, easily view your company profile through the link you attached. You can now easily insert the link of your website to the email signature without any problems whatsoever.You may also see tech startup email signature designs.
The hyperlink should be inserted at the bottom part of the email signature, right below the other text (including the quote). You can also add icons before the hyperlink to add a little bit of creativity to the email signature. The icon can either be the company logo or an icon related to your field (for example, car icon if you are a car salesman, stethoscope icon if you are a doctor, book icon if you are a lawyer, etc.).You may also see human resource email signature designs.
The great thing about email signatures is that they don’t need to be printed, so you can easily change the hyperlink whenever and wherever you like. It will not in any way affect your transactions with clients or customers.
How to Become an Effective Product Manager
Being a product manager can both be enjoyable and tiring. There are times where you feel relaxed, while there are times where tasks seem to be difficult to accomplish. But nonetheless, being a product manager is always a privilege and will launch your career in a positive way. Here are some tips in becoming a more effective product manager.You may also see project manager email signature designs
1. Continuously improve products
Being an effective product does not imply one to be sitting in a desk all day long and wait for the revenues to arrive. Business simply does not work that way. Product managers, or in general all types of managers need to be hands-on and continuously strive to deliver the best products to the market. A company or business organization needs to continuously improve its products to not only stay profitable, but to stay relevant in a constantly evolving business environment. The product manager is at the forefront of the company’s products and services being improved on a regular basis.You may also see hotel travel email signature designs
2. Constantly monitor performance of the team
A product manager is also a leader, and he makes sure the team or department he is handling performs at the highest level consistently. One of the roles of the manager is the monitor his team’s performance– daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly. It is a tough task, but the company simply cannot succeed if employees are under performing which in turn results to low revenues and irate customers.You may also see company email signature examples.
Monitoring the performance of the team helps the manager identify possible deficiencies of team members, and look for solutions to improve performance and overall quality of work.
3. Check the competition
You may have heard that managers are too focused on developing and improving their own products that they completely ignore the performance of their competitors. On the contrary, it is rather the opposite as managers have an eye on their competition, constantly checking the performance in the market as well as their financial status. This allows managers to create a more detailed and comprehensive plan on how they can improve their products and services as well as develop newer products which will be better than the ones sold by their competitors.You may also see The dos and don’ts of a good email signature
We hope you found this article to be informative as you will be creating your own professional product manager email signature.You may also see business manager email signature examples.