Spring Voucher

Last Updated: April 28, 2024

Spring Voucher

There are some traditions that are best celebrated during spring. Listed below are just some of the countries that you should really take the time to visit during spring.

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Top Spring Destinations Around the World

1. Poland

In the cold country of Poland, the Polish have this tradition that dates back to the 16th century called Marzanna that is usually celebrated to commemorate the first day of spring with dramatic fashion.

Symbolizing the cold and dreary winter that the Polish endure, which is represented by a straw doll, the drowning of the Marzanna begins with the dolls paraded through the street as crowds make their way to a river or other body of water which is then tossed into the body of water to exemplifies the end of winter’s wrath. You may also see receipt voucher examples & samples.

In this interpretation, the copse is used to welcome spring and to affirm the re-awakening of nature. Modern versions of the Marzanna rituals are said to have lost their sacred character and is considered a pastime—an occasion to have fun and celebrate the beginning of spring. You may also like shopping voucher designs & examples.

2. Switzerland

Playing with fire is dangerous. You should not try this at home. But the Swiss, however, celebrate the beginning of a new season with a fiery show. The Swiss have a celebration called Sechseläuten—a tradition that is usually on the 3rd Monday of April.

If you know the 2013 hit song from Frozen “Do You Wanna Build A Snowman?” you are going to wish she never brought that up in Switzerland. Because there, a snowman is literally burned on a stake as the first flowers begin to bloom, which marks the beginning of winter’s end. Guess the Starks (Game of Thrones, anybody?) were wrong. You may also check out gift voucher designs & examples.

Winter is not coming for Switzerland. Remember the snowman? Well, apparently, he is also called the Böögg, and he has been burning every year since the 16th century. Sometimes he gets burned, sometimes he is often stuffed with explosives. What a way to send out a snowman, right? You might be interested in birthday voucher designs and examples.

But do you know that the Böögg actually has a bigger role to play? The Böögg is also seen as a predictor of summer weather. The faster the fire reaches the head of the snowman, the better the conditions are expected to be.

They say that if it explodes in the first 6 to 10 minutes, this year’s summer will be dry and sunny. But if an explosion incurs after 10 to 15 minutes of burning, it means that a rainy summer will take place.

3. Bulgaria

The Bulgarians have their own celebration of spring that is called the Baba Marta Day. Referred as “the grandmother of March,” it is no sheer coincidence that the Baba Marta starts on the first day of the month. Legend tells us that in the olden times, Baba Marta is symbolized as a cranky old lady who must be treated kindly, otherwise she will prolong the winter season. Today, the people of Bulgaria see Baba Marta Day as a day wherein they can be happy as spring draws nearer. You may also see prize voucher designs and examples.

To welcome the dawn of a new season, the Bulgarians adorn their wrists with red and white bracelets “Martenitsi” that symbolize good health and fertility. Then they hand out the bracelets to their friends and families wishing them for a peaceful and a prosperous life.

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4. India

India is known for many things. For instance, the Taj Mahal, their love for curry or spicy food, women covering their faces wherever they go, their habit of not killing cows as a sign of their belief in reincarnation. But what you do not know is that they also have a spring celebration called Holi also known as the Festival of Colors.

Water guns and water-filled balloons are also used to play and color each other. This colorful tradition that is normally held in late February or early March is considered a celebration of the triumph of good over bad. What was once considered just a simple Hindu practice has now become a cultural experience that needs to be enjoyed by people all over the world. You may also see meal voucher designs and examples.

As a sign to welcome in the brand new season, the locals then participate bonfires and parties the night before Holi. The masses then gather on the streets for a giant color fight, throwing dyed powder onto each other the following day. You may see groups of people carrying drums and other musical instruments, go from place to place, and sing and dance. This carefree revelry gives everyone a chance to reconnect with others and lets go of past hardships and distrust. You may also like business voucher examples.

5. The Netherlands

Known for their abundance of flowers, South Holland hosts a 12-hour-long parade that travels from Noordwijk to Haarlem which is also called Bloemencorso Bollenstreek. One of the region’s most anticipated spring events, the Flower Parade of the Bollenstreek is the only parade constructed of bulb flowers like hyacinths, tulips, and daffodils. You may also check out cash voucher designs and examples.

This tradition consists of about twenty floats and over forty luxurious and special vehicles that are richly decorated with flowers. Elaborate floats wander through the streets in a route that stretches more than 24 miles or 40 kilometers. There are thousands of people who line up to watch the decorative and fragrant structures every April.

6. Australia

What was the first thing you think of Australia? The Sydney Opera House, kangaroos, etc. But do you know that the Aussies have a new spring break tradition of their own called Floriade? In this new tradition, roughly half a million people flock to Australia’s capital, Canberra, for a massive flower festival that occurs from September to October every year. You might be interested in food voucher examples.

Held at Canberra’s Commonwealth Park each year, you can see at least more than a million flowers bloom which then offers a breathtaking display of spring color. The festival also includes concerts, art displays, horticultural workshops, and other recreational activities.

Just a fun fact: Did you know that the tradition first started when Peter Sutton and his colleague, landscape designer Chris Slotemaker De Bruine, developed a proposal for a grand floral display to celebrate Australia’s Bicentenary and Canberra’s 75th birthday? They say that Floriade is considered the largest flower festival in the Southern Hemisphere, but it couldn’t have never been accomplished without the help and assistance of the founders themselves. You may also see printable voucher examples.

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7. Scotland

Scotland Yard. Bagpipes. Willie the gardener from The Simpsons. All those things remind people of the country called Scotland. But is there anything else? Do you have any particular place in mind that reminds of you Scotland? I honestly doubt it. Well, even if you forget everything else, just try not to forget about one of its oldest traditions: Whuppity Scoorie. No one can actually remember as to how and when it started. You may also see voucher designs and examples.

However, the last thing people recall about “Whuppity Scoorie” name was coined in the 19th century and it remains to be a popular tradition up to now and that town officials believe it existed in the first place to get rid of evil spirits before the spring season started.

In particular areas of Scotland such as Lanark, you would be able to see children run around with balls that are made of crumpled paper swinging around their heads near dusk on the first day of March. In the same part of Scotland, you can see children run laps around the town’s bell, known as the Kirk (Captain Kirk. Star Trek, anyone?), until it rings at 6 p.m. after six months of silence during the desolate winter days. You may also like fitness voucher designs and examples.

8. Bosnia

The tradition dates back at least a few hundred years and attracts visitors and even tourists from around the country. Thousands congregate in Zenica, Bosnia, for the “Festival of Scrambled Eggs” also known as Cimburijada every March as spring begins. But the focus is on the egg, which is a symbol of new life, as the new season officially commences. Mass amounts of scrambled eggs are cooked in huge pots and then handed out for free. You may also check out business coupon examples.

9. Spain

Hola, mi amigos! Viva La Espana! Every March, the people of Valencia, Spain, triple in size during the annual Fallas (or Falles) festival. Three million people turn up for a week of fiery, satirical entertainment.

The week begins processions to honor Saint Joseph and ends with the incineration of ninots, the paper-mâché figurines stuffed with firecrackers. All of the city’s fallas commissions will take place in a parade from their respective districts to the Plaza de la Virgin in order to make an offering of flowers to Our Lady of the Forsaken, the Patron Saint of Valencia. The Falles Festival usually takes place from 4 p.m. until past nightfall. You might be interested in gift coupon samples.

You may see festival-goers often wear medieval clothing for the nonstop street party to welcome the spring season.

10. Japan

Have you heard of Japan’s famous sakuras also known in English as cherry blossoms? They are certainly something that tourists look forward to during springtime in the country as they bloom from late March to early May. People keep an intense eye on the bloom forecasts, hoping to plan Hanami at peak times. People welcome spring by hosting parties under the trees, a tradition that has taken place for centuries. You may also see fitness voucher designs and examples.

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Wherever you may be planning to go during your spring break, always remember to go with family and loved ones as vacations like this one are best enjoyed with them.

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