504 Request Letter

Last Updated: September 6, 2024

504 Request Letter

Dear [Principal’s Name],

I hope this letter finds you well. My name is Julius Curry, and I am the parent of [Child’s Name], who is currently enrolled in the [grade level] at [School’s Name]. I am writing to formally request a Section 504 Plan evaluation for my child to ensure they receive the support and accommodations necessary to succeed in their educational environment.

[Child’s Name] has been diagnosed with [mention the diagnosed condition, such as a learning disability, ADHD, etc.], which significantly impacts their ability to learn in a traditional classroom setting. Despite their efforts and the support provided at home, [Child’s Name] continues to face challenges that hinder their academic performance and emotional well-being.

Based on observations from their teachers and our experiences at home, [Child’s Name] struggles with [briefly describe the specific challenges your child faces, such as concentrating in class, completing assignments on time, etc.]. These challenges are directly related to their diagnosed condition and require specific interventions and accommodations to address effectively.

Under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, students with disabilities are entitled to receive accommodations and modifications to their learning environment that allow them equal access to an education. It is with this understanding that I request a meeting to discuss the development of a 504 Plan tailored to [Child’s Name]’s unique needs.

I believe that with the right support and accommodations, [Child’s Name] can overcome the barriers they currently face and achieve their full academic potential. I am eager to work collaboratively with the school’s 504 team to identify and implement strategies that will support [Child’s Name]’s learning and growth.

Please let me know the next steps in the process and when we can schedule a meeting to discuss this further. I am available to meet at your earliest convenience and can be reached at [Your Contact Information].

Thank you for your attention to this matter. I look forward to working together to support [Child’s Name]’s success at [School’s Name].


Julius Curry

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