Acas Investigation Report

Last Updated: October 18, 2024

Acas Investigation Report

Date of Investigation: October 15, 2024
Location: [Company Name], [City, State]
Prepared by: [Your Name]
Position: ACAS Investigator

An ACAS investigation was conducted on October 15, 2024, at [Company Name] following a complaint of workplace grievances raised by [Complainant’s Name]. The purpose of the investigation was to assess the nature of the complaint, evaluate company practices, and recommend solutions based on ACAS guidelines.

Complaint Overview:
[Complainant’s Name] filed a formal grievance on October 5, 2024, alleging unfair treatment and discrimination by their line manager, [Manager’s Name]. The employee claimed that they were being excluded from key meetings, given fewer opportunities for advancement, and subjected to discriminatory remarks regarding their age.

Investigation Details:

  • Interviews Conducted:
    • [Complainant’s Name] provided detailed accounts of being denied opportunities for promotion and being excluded from meetings where key decisions were made. The employee also reported several instances of inappropriate age-related comments made by [Manager’s Name].
    • [Manager’s Name] denied the allegations, claiming that decisions were based on performance and company needs. They also stated that no discriminatory comments were made and that the complainant had been given equal opportunities.
    • Witnesses, including [Witness 1] and [Witness 2], were interviewed. [Witness 1] supported the complainant’s claim of exclusion from meetings, while [Witness 2] stated that they had never heard discriminatory comments from the manager.
  • Document Review:
    A review of company records showed that [Complainant’s Name] had been passed over for promotion on two occasions, with no clear documentation explaining the reasons. Meeting minutes also revealed that the complainant had not been invited to several critical discussions.

The investigation found evidence supporting the claim that [Complainant’s Name] was excluded from meetings and denied opportunities without clear justification. While there was no definitive proof of discriminatory remarks, the lack of transparency in the decision-making process contributed to the perception of unfair treatment.


  1. Promotion Policy Review:
    The company should review and revise its promotion and decision-making policies to ensure transparency and fairness for all employees.
  2. Diversity Training:
    Implement mandatory diversity and inclusion training for all managers and staff to prevent future incidents of perceived discrimination.
  3. Mediation:
    Facilitate a mediation session between [Complainant’s Name] and [Manager’s Name] to address the underlying issues and restore a positive working relationship.

The investigation concluded that [Complainant’s Name] experienced unfair treatment in the form of exclusion and lack of opportunity, though no direct evidence of discriminatory behavior was found. Corrective measures, including policy revisions and training, are recommended to prevent similar issues in the future.

Prepared by: [Your Name]
Position: ACAS Investigator

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