10+ Argumentative Essay for College Examples to Download
Writing essays would seem second nature to most students whether you are in high school or college. Any type of essay writing would seem difficult at first, but once you get the hang of it, it gets easier. Like any other type of essay, argumentative essays can also be a bit difficult at first, but with practice, things get easier. So are you a student or anyone at all who wants to know how to write a good argumentative essay for either academics or educational purposes, this article can help you with that.
10+ Argumentative Essay for College Examples
1. Argumentative Essay for College Template
2. Printable Argumentative Essay for College
3. Academic College Argumentative Essay
4. Argumentative Assignment Essay for College
5. Argumentative Essay for College Education
6. Student College Argumentative Essay
7. Draft College Argumentative Essay
8. College Rubric Argumentative Essay
9. Basic College Argumentative Essay
10. College Two-sided Argumentative Essay
11. Arts College Argumentative Essay
Defining Essay
An essay is a form of literary writing that consists of the author’s vague opinion of a certain topic. It is considered vague since the author’s opinion often overlaps with other literary forms of writing. An essay can be informative in nature, persuasive in nature, argumentative in nature. As well as it can be both formal and informal.
Defining Argument
An argument is an act of arguing or disagreeing with a person’s point of view. To discuss in agreement or disagreement of someone’s ideas, suggestions or opinions.
Defining Argumentative Essay
An argumentative essay is a type of essay writing that requires the writer to gather some information about the topic they choose to write about. Gather enough evidence, collect some ideas and to create a section of the topic in a clearer manner. This type of essay would need a lot of research, from different sources and materials, gathering them up for information.
Use of Argumentative Essay
The use of an argumentative essay is the author must be able to convince or to persuade the reader to change their point of view. To be able to argue with their audience to rethink their views and to agree with the writer’s view of the topic. An argumentative essay is also used to persuade their audiences to change their outlook to something better or new. An argumentative essay can also make the reader reflect on their views and either agree or disagree with the writer’s perspective on the topic.
Reason to Write an Argumentative Essay
The reason or the aim of writing an argumentative essay is simply to persuade your reader, an audience or a group of people to stand or to agree with your argument. To prove to them that your belief is better and simpler. To let your readers know about your views and to support you through your views of the topic. This type of essay really helps the student to understand both sides of the same coin. The strengths and weaknesses of the view they chose to write about and the issue it circles around.
Tips on Writing an Argumentative Essay
Anyone who wishes to write a good argumentative essay would actually look for ways to make a good writing essay. The simplest advice is to keep trying. But here are some other tips you can use to help you write a good argumentative essay. So good that you can persuade even the most difficult person. Check it out.
- Think and choose a topic: Think and choose a topic: Before you start off with writing what you are going to argue about, think and choose a topic you want to discuss. Remember, you are going to be defending your ideas, your opinions and persuading the reader to agree with you. Think and choose a topic that is fit for your level. Avoid choosing a topic that is too difficult or may cause a lot of discourse.
- Search for information: After you have thought about and chose the topic, do some extensive research. Your information should be precise and clear. Do not make assumptions about your topic. This type of essay really requires the person or the student to do some research before you are able to write the essay down.
- Choose a side: As this is an argumentative essay, you should choose a side. Defend your position and persuade your readers or your audience why the side you chose should be supported completely. To do this, write down what you have searched for before you started to write.
- Watch your tone, grammar, spelling: Watch the tone you are using for your essay. Even if this is an argumentative essay, you should not sound like you do not respect the other person’s point of view. Avoid causing discourse, as this defeats the purpose of the essay. The purpose is to persuade and not to argue to the point of saying awful things to someone else’s view of the argument. Also, watch your grammar and spelling. Check everything is in order.
- Revision: Spare a little time to revise your work before submitting it. Check if you have stated everything that is needed for your essay. The grammar, the punctuations are in order, your spelling, and your argument.
How many topics do I need to choose to write the argumentative essay?
Choose one topic for your essay. One topic for each essay.
Do I need to defend my point of view?
Yes. Not being able to defend your view of the topic you chose, defeats the purpose of the whole essay.
How many paragraphs do I need to make the essay?
This may depend on you, but the standard for this essay is three paragraphs. The first paragraph is introducing your topic and why you chose it. The second paragraph consists of you arguing and defending the side you chose, persuading your readers to choose your side. The last paragraph is your conclusion.
Do I need to convince my readers to choose my side? What if I can’t?
You try to persuade your readers to agree with your side, but if you cannot, that’s okay. The purpose of the essay is to persuade, but it doesn’t mean if you cannot, you failed. No.
Making an argumentative essay can be a fun and challenging type as this essay will make you do extensive research on the topic you chose. You must try and defend your point of view and persuade others to support you at the same time. Countless practice is also needed to make the best argumentative essay. So don’t give up. Follow or be familiarized with the tips, and everything would be a breeze.