Because I liked you better

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Created by: Team English -, Last Updated: May 29, 2024

Because I liked you better

Because I liked you better By A.E. Housman

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Because I liked you better Poem – by A.E. Housman (Text-Version)

Because I liked you better
Than suits a man to say,
It irked you, and I promised
To throw the thought away.

To put the world between us
We parted, stiff and dry;
Good-bye,’ said you,forget me.’
`I will, no fear’, said I.

If here, where clover whitens
The dead man’s knoll, you pass,
And no tall flower to meet you
Starts in the trefoiled grass,

Halt by the headstone naming
The heart no longer stirred,
And say the lad that loved you
Was one that kept his word.

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