Cancellation Request Letter

Last Updated: April 27, 2024

Cancellation Request Letter


Dear [Company Name or Service Provider],

I hope this letter finds you well. My name is Les McCarthy, and I am writing to formally request the cancellation of my [Service/Subscription/Membership], with the account number [Account Number], effective immediately or as per the terms of our agreement.

After much consideration, I have decided to cancel due to [Reason for Cancellation – be brief but clear, for example, “financial constraints,” “moving to a new location where the service is not required,” or “switching to a different service provider”]. I have enjoyed the [Service/Product] provided by your company, but under the current circumstances, continuing the service is not feasible for me.

As per the guidelines outlined in our initial agreement, I am providing you with a [Number of Days Notice] day notice. I request that you kindly confirm the cancellation of my [Service/Subscription/Membership] in writing and provide details regarding any final charges or prorated refunds I should expect. If there are any additional steps I need to take to complete this process, please inform me as soon as possible.

Furthermore, I would appreciate it if you could ensure that all my personal information is removed from your records following the cancellation, in compliance with data protection regulations.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for the service provided during my time as a customer. Your support has been appreciated, and I hope to possibly return as a customer in the future under different circumstances.

Please feel free to contact me at [Your Contact Information] should you require any further information or clarification regarding this request.

Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.


Les McCarthy

Request Letter Maker

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