Construction Project Communication Plan

Last Updated: April 27, 2024

Construction Project Communication Plan

  • Transparency: Maintain open and clear communication channels.
  • Efficiency: Ensure timely delivery of information.
  • Responsiveness: Address queries and concerns promptly.
  • Collaboration: Facilitate teamwork and shared understanding.

Stakeholder Analysis

Stakeholder Role Communication Needs
Project Manager Project oversight Daily updates, risk reports
Construction Team On-site execution Safety protocols, schedules
Clients Project sponsors Progress reports, changes
Suppliers Material provision Order confirmations, timelines

Communication Channels

  • Emails: For formal communication and documentation.
  • Meetings: Weekly and as-needed meetings for collaborative decision-making.
  • Phone Calls: For urgent communication.
  • Project Management Software: Real-time updates and document sharing.

Communication Matrix

Information Type Responsible Audience Frequency Method
Progress Updates Project Manager Clients, Team Weekly Email, Meetings
Risk Assessments Safety Officer Project Manager As needed Meetings, Email
Schedule Changes Scheduler All Stakeholders As needed Email, Software
Financial Reports Accountant Clients, Manager Monthly Email

Escalation Process

  • Level 1: Immediate team members.
  • Level 2: Project Manager.
  • Level 3: Senior Management.
  • Level 4: Clients or external stakeholders.

Review and Feedback

  • Regular Reviews: Monthly review meetings.
  • Feedback Mechanism: Anonymous surveys and suggestion boxes.

This communication plan is designed to support the construction project by ensuring all parties are well-informed and coordinated. Regular reviews of the plan will be conducted to adapt to project needs and stakeholder feedback

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