Employee Explanation Incident Report Letter

Last Updated: October 18, 2024

Employee Explanation Incident Report Letter

Sarah Thompson
HR Manager
XYZ Corporation
789 Business Park Road
New York, NY 10001
October 16, 2024

David Miller
Operations Director
XYZ Corporation

Subject: Incident Report for Employee Misconduct on October 14, 2024

Dear Mr. Miller,

I am writing to formally report an incident involving John Doe, an employee in the Sales Department, that occurred on October 14, 2024, at approximately 3:00 PM in Conference Room A.

During a team meeting, John Doe engaged in unprofessional behavior by raising his voice and using inappropriate language towards Mary Allen, the Sales Manager, in response to her feedback on his recent performance. This behavior disrupted the meeting and created a tense environment for other team members present.

The incident was witnessed by three employees:

  • Michael Stevens, Sales Representative
  • Linda Carter, Marketing Specialist
  • James Lee, IT Support Specialist

Following the incident, I immediately spoke with John Doe to address his conduct. He expressed regret but mentioned feeling overwhelmed with his workload. Mary Allen was informed, and a follow-up meeting was scheduled with HR to discuss the issue further and find a resolution.

To prevent similar incidents, I recommend anger management counseling for John Doe and a workload assessment to better distribute tasks within his team. Further disciplinary actions may be considered based on the HR team’s review.

Please let me know if further action is needed or if you require additional details.

Sarah Thompson
HR Manager

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