Explanation Incident Report Letter for Lost Item

Last Updated: October 18, 2024

Explanation Incident Report Letter for Lost Item

John Williams
Office Administrator
XYZ Corporation
789 Office Tower
Chicago, IL 60601
October 16, 2024

Rachel Turner
Security Manager
XYZ Corporation

Subject: Incident Report for Lost Company Laptop on October 14, 2024

Dear Ms. Turner,

I am writing to formally report the loss of a company-issued laptop that occurred on October 14, 2024, at approximately 5:30 PM. The laptop, assigned to Sarah Johnson, was last seen in Conference Room C after a meeting ended at 4:30 PM.

After the meeting, Sarah Johnson left the laptop on the table while attending another meeting. Upon returning at 5:30 PM, she discovered that the laptop was missing. She immediately notified me of the loss, and I initiated a search of the room and surrounding areas, but we were unable to locate the laptop.

The missing laptop is a Dell XPS 13 with the company asset tag #XYZ12345. It contains important company documents, but all files are encrypted and password-protected. Sarah Johnson confirmed that no confidential information was stored locally on the device.

We interviewed two employees who were in the conference room shortly after the meeting:

  • Mark Spencer, IT Technician
  • Emily Wright, Sales Manager

To address this issue, I recommend the following actions:

  • Review the CCTV footage of Conference Room C and the hallway for any suspicious activity.
  • Issue a memo to all employees reminding them to safeguard company property and secure their items at all times.
  • Consider enhanced security protocols for high-traffic areas.

Please let me know if you require further details or assistance in investigating this matter.

John Williams
Office Administrator

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