Temporary Guardianship Letter – 7+ Examples, Format, How to Write, PDF
It is without a second thought that parenthood can bring you both joy and pain. The fact that having to go through a lot of activities children have everyday can also take a toll on the parents, but that’s okay.
The reason for some parents to assign guardians to their children is so no child would ever feel left out by the parent nor have to worry about having to survive alone. A child’s only thought should be to have fun and not worry.
As most parents would look for guardians, others would simply look for help from their relatives, but how could they ask them to be temporary guardians for a certain amount of time? This is where these examples in PDF come to place. Check it out below, there are some 8+ temporary guardianship letter examples in PDF and DOC.
8+ Temporary Guardianship Letter Examples
1. Sample Temporary Guardianship Letter Examples
2. Letters of Temporary Guardianship or Conservatorship
3. Petition Temporary Letters of Guardianship of Minor
4. Simple Temporary Guardianship Letter
5. Temporary Guardianship Letter Example
6. Printable Temporary Guardianship Letter
7. Formal Temporary Guardianship Letter
8. Basic Temporary Guardianship Letter
What Do You Mean By Temporary?
Something that is temporary does not last long. It lasts only for a limited time frame.
What Do You Mean By Guardianship?
Guardianship is an act of taking care of someone or something who has given you the authority or the leadership. It is also the condition of being given legal responsibility by someone who in certain situations cannot take care of their own concerns.
How Many Types of Guardianships Are There?
There are two types of guardianships. Permanent guardianship and temporary guardianship.
What Is Temporary Guardianship?
A temporary guardianship means to simply give someone you have authorized to take care of either your children or some affairs you are not able to take care of for the meantime. In this case, you are giving someone the authority to care for your children and their wellbeing.
How to Write a Good Temporary Guardianship Letter?
- Start with the most basic
When writing any letter or a guardianship letter, start from scratch. The date, the recipients full name, their address, the contact number and their email address. All stated above on the page of your letter.
- Don’t forget your recipients for the letter
Like any letter, the format should be followed. The salutation of the letter should start with Dear and the names of your guardians if there are more than one. Write both their names.
- State the purpose of writing the letter
Be specific as to what you want to address about in the letter. If you are addressing to the recipients that you wish for them to be your child’s temporary guardians, write that down. If you have other conditions you wish to address, write it down. It’s best to state everything you want in the letter than to state it verbally, this way, there would be no issues or misunderstandings.
- Place the following dates
Write down the dates on how long you want them to be the guardian, or how long will you give them the authority to take care of matters. And what to expect when the dates are through or when you want to extend.
I have two guardians, do I need to write two separate letters for them?
No, unless in special cases these two people live in different places. You may add both their addresses in the same letter.
Do I really need to have a guardian to care for my child?
Yes. It is illegal to leave your child alone and with someone who is not assigned as the guardian.
I want to leave my child with my neighbor. Is that fine?
As long as your neighbor is your legal guardian for your child, and he or she has been given the letter to explain the situation, then yes. If he or she has not been given the letter, that may be a problem. It is best to leave the child with someone you trust like a family member.
With that being said, guardianship letters are very important when you wish to leave your child with someone. It may sound like a burden to write a letter to simply leave your child with anyone, but this is also for the welfare of you and your child. Leaving them to anyone is not a good idea. All you have to do is to follow the tips on writing and you’re all set.