Full Moon And Little Frieda

Team English - Examples.com
Created by: Team English - Examples.com, Last Updated: May 31, 2024

Full Moon And Little Frieda

Download Full Moon And Little Frieda Full Poem - PDF

Full Moon And Little Frieda Poem – by Ted Hughes (Text-Version)

A cool small evening shrunk to a dog bark and the clank of a bucket –
And you listening.
A spider’s web, tense for the dew’s touch.
A pail lifted, still and brimming – mirror
To tempt a first star to a tremor.

Cows are going home in the lane there, looping the hedges with their warm
wreaths of breath –
A dark river of blood, many boulders,
Balancing unspilled milk.
‘Moon!’ you cry suddenly, ‘Moon! Moon!’

The moon has stepped back like an artist gazing amazed at a work
That points at him amazed.

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