Immediate Resignation Letter due to Stress

Last Updated: April 27, 2024

Immediate Resignation Letter due to Stress

Jessica Carter
123 Maple Street
Springfield, IL 62704

March 28, 2024

Mr. Daniel Thompson
ABC Corporation
456 Oak Avenue
Springfield, IL 62705

Dear Mr. Thompson,

I am writing to inform you of my immediate resignation from my position as Senior Analyst at ABC Corporation, due to personal health reasons specifically related to stress. This decision has not been easy, but after considerable thought, I have concluded that it is the best choice for my well-being.

The demands of my role have taken a substantial toll on my physical and mental health, to a point where it has become clear that my continued employment under these conditions is unsustainable. Despite my efforts to manage the stress and the pressures associated with my job, I have reached my limit. My health must be my priority, and stepping back at this time is necessary for my recovery.

Please understand that my decision is in no way a reflection of the company or the team, both of which I hold in high regard. I am grateful for the opportunities I have been given at ABC Corporation and for the professional growth I have experienced during my tenure. It is my hope that my resignation does not cause undue inconvenience to the team, and I am prepared to assist in the transition process to the best of my abilities, considering my current state.

I regret that I cannot provide a standard notice period, but I believe this decision is in the best interest of both my health and the company. I am committed to facilitating a smooth handover of my responsibilities and am willing to provide guidance to my successor remotely if that is helpful.

Thank you for your understanding and support during this difficult time. I appreciate the opportunities I have had at ABC Corporation and hope to maintain a positive relationship moving forward.


Jessica Carter

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