Incident Report for Needle Stick Injury

Last Updated: April 27, 2024

Incident Report for Needle Stick Injury

On August 12, 2024, at approximately 3:45 PM, during routine blood sample collection in the outpatient department of Mercy General Hospital, located at 1234 Healthway Drive, Nurse Practitioner Jane Doe experienced a needle stick injury. The incident occurred in Exam Room 5 while using a safety-engineered needle to draw blood from a patient, Mr. John Smith, for standard laboratory tests.

Immediately following the incident, Nurse Doe activated the safety mechanism on the needle and placed it in the designated sharps disposal container. She then followed the hospital’s protocol for needle stick injuries, which included washing the affected area with soap and water, applying antiseptic, and reporting the incident to the department supervisor.

The supervisor documented the incident and escorted Nurse Doe to the employee health department for evaluation and post-exposure prophylaxis. Blood tests were conducted on Nurse Doe to establish a baseline for any potential bloodborne pathogen exposure. With the patient’s consent, Mr. Smith’s blood was also tested for HIV, Hepatitis B, and Hepatitis C, all of which returned negative results.

An investigation into the incident revealed that the injury occurred due to a momentary lapse in concentration, leading to improper handling of the needle. Nurse Doe had received training on safe needle practices and the use of safety-engineered devices within the past year, and she confirmed understanding and adherence to these safety protocols.

As a corrective measure, Mercy General Hospital plans to conduct a refresher training session on needle safety for all clinical staff, emphasizing the importance of concentration and adherence to safety protocols during procedures involving sharps. Additionally, the hospital will review and reinforce the availability and proper use of safety-engineered devices to prevent similar incidents in the future.

This incident underscores the importance of continuous education and vigilance in adhering to safety protocols to protect healthcare workers from potential exposure to bloodborne pathogens. Mercy General Hospital remains committed to providing a safe working environment for all employees and to implementing measures to prevent the occurrence of similar incidents.

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