Internal Crisis Communication Plan

Last Updated: April 27, 2024

Internal Crisis Communication Plan

Internal Crisis Communication Plan

A well-crafted Internal Crisis Communication Plan ensures that your organization can respond promptly, accurately, and confidently during an emergency. In the midst of a crisis, effective communication is key to maintaining trust, morale, and operational continuity.


  • Maintain Transparency: Keep employees informed to reduce rumors and anxiety.
  • Ensure Consistency: Deliver a clear and consistent message across all departments.
  • Prompt Response: Enable quick decision-making and dissemination of information.

1. Crisis Communication Team

  • Leader: CEO or a Senior Executive.
  • Members: Representatives from HR, Legal, PR, and Operations.
  • Responsibilities: Assessing the situation, crafting messages, coordinating with stakeholders, and monitoring the effectiveness of communication.

2. Identification of Key Stakeholders

  • Internal: Employees, Board Members, Investors.
  • External: Partners, Suppliers, Media (if needed).

3. Types of Crises

  • Operational: Accidents, Cyber-attacks, Product Failures.
  • Reputational: Legal issues, Ethical misconduct.
  • Natural: Earthquakes, Pandemics.

4. Communication Channels

  • Primary: Email, Intranet, Meetings.
  • Secondary: Newsletters, Social Media (for external stakeholders).

5. Message Creation

  • Content: What happened, what’s being done, and what employees should do.
  • Tone: Professional, empathetic, and clear.
  • Frequency: Regular updates until the crisis is resolved.

6. Training and Drills

  • Regular Training: For the Crisis Communication Team and key stakeholders.
  • Drills: Simulated crisis scenarios to test responsiveness and effectiveness.

7. Monitoring and Feedback

  • Surveys: To understand employee concerns and the effectiveness of the communication.
  • Social Media: Monitor public perception and rumors to address them promptly.

8. Review and Update

  • Post-Crisis Analysis: What worked, what didn’t, and why.
  • Update Plan: Incorporate lessons learned and update the plan regularly.

Implementation Timeline

Timeframe Action Item
Immediate Activate Crisis Communication Team.
1-2 Hours Identify the type and scope of the crisis.
2-4 Hours Draft and disseminate the initial message.
24 Hours Provide a second update and schedule regular updates.
Post-Crisis Conduct a post-mortem analysis and update the plan.

Supporting Graphics

  • Flowchart: Visual representation of the communication process during a crisis.
  • Checklists: For each team member detailing specific tasks and responsibilities.
  • Contact Sheets: Updated lists of key internal and external stakeholders.

A comprehensive Internal Crisis Communication Plan is crucial for maintaining operational integrity and trust within an organization during a crisis. By preparing in advance and outlining clear steps and responsibilities, an organization can navigate through challenging times more effectively and emerge stronger. Regular updates and training ensure the plan evolves and remains effective for any future crises.

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