Internship Weekly Report for Business Administration

Last Updated: October 15, 2024

Internship Weekly Report for Business Administration

Intern’s Name: Michael Brown
Internship Position: Business Administration Intern
Company Name: Global Solutions Inc.
Reporting Period: October 8 – October 14, 2024

1. Overview of Weekly Activities

This week, I focused on supporting the project management team by helping to coordinate schedules and track project milestones. I also conducted market research to assist in the development of a new business proposal.

2. Achievements and Contributions

  • Organized and updated project schedules using Microsoft Excel and Asana.
  • Analyzed competitor data and compiled a report on current market trends.
  • Contributed to the initial draft of a business proposal by providing research insights and data.

3. Challenges and Solutions

  • Challenge: I found it difficult to efficiently manage project tasks in Asana.
    • Solution: I reviewed Asana’s tutorials and shadowed a team member to better understand task organization, which improved my productivity.

4. Skills and Knowledge Gained

  • Gained experience in project management tools like Asana and Microsoft Excel for task tracking.
  • Enhanced my research skills by conducting competitor analysis and market research.
  • Learned about business proposal writing and the elements required to create a persuasive document.

5. Goals for Next Week

  • Attend a meeting on financial forecasting to gain insights into budget planning.
  • Assist with developing a customer satisfaction survey to gather feedback on a recent project.
  • Learn more about the company’s CRM software to understand its role in customer relationship management.

Michael Brown
Date: October 15, 2024

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