Investigation Report for Maternity

Last Updated: October 18, 2024

Investigation Report for Maternity

Date of Investigation: October 15, 2024
Location: [Company Name], [City, State]
Prepared by: [Your Name]
Position: HR Officer / Investigator

An investigation was conducted on October 15, 2024, at [Company Name] in response to a complaint filed by [Employee’s Name] regarding alleged maternity discrimination. The purpose of the investigation was to assess the claims, review company policies, and recommend necessary actions.

Complaint Overview:
[Employee’s Name], who is currently on maternity leave, filed a complaint on October 1, 2024, alleging discriminatory treatment during her pregnancy and after her return from maternity leave. The complaint included claims of unfair workload distribution, denied opportunities for promotion, and lack of support from her line manager, [Manager’s Name].

Investigation Details:

  • Interviews Conducted:
    • [Employee’s Name] reported that during her pregnancy, she was sidelined from important projects and felt her duties were gradually reduced without explanation. Upon her return from maternity leave, she found that her position had been changed without prior notice, and she was assigned fewer responsibilities.
    • [Manager’s Name] denied any intent to discriminate, stating that the changes were made to accommodate the employee’s needs and that other team members had been assigned key projects in the interim. The manager also mentioned that the company was adjusting to new workflow dynamics.
    • Colleagues of the employee, [Witness 1] and [Witness 2], were interviewed. [Witness 1] mentioned that they observed a shift in the employee’s duties after she announced her pregnancy. [Witness 2] noted that the employee’s contributions to the team had been minimized, but they were unaware of any specific discriminatory behavior.
  • Policy Review:
    A review of the company’s maternity leave policies revealed that employees are entitled to full job reinstatement after maternity leave. However, there was no formal documentation explaining why [Employee’s Name] was reassigned or had reduced responsibilities.

The investigation found that while [Manager’s Name] did not overtly discriminate against [Employee’s Name], there was a clear failure to provide adequate support during her maternity period and after her return. The changes in her role were not properly communicated, and the lack of clarity contributed to feelings of unfair treatment. The reassignment of duties without consent violated company policy on job reinstatement after maternity leave.


  1. Reinstatement of Duties:
    Restore [Employee’s Name] to her original role with the same responsibilities as before her leave, per the company’s maternity policy.
  2. Maternity Support Policy Review:
    Conduct a review of the maternity leave and return-to-work procedures to ensure that future cases follow proper communication and support guidelines.
  3. Training for Management:
    Provide training on maternity rights and discrimination prevention for all managers to ensure compliance with company policies and legal standards.
  4. Mediation:
    Arrange a mediation session between [Employee’s Name] and [Manager’s Name] to resolve any misunderstandings and restore a positive working relationship.

The investigation concluded that [Employee’s Name] was unfairly treated upon her return from maternity leave, mainly due to a lack of communication and improper job reassignment. Corrective actions are recommended to ensure compliance with company policies and to prevent future incidents.

Prepared by: [Your Name]
Position: HR Officer / Investigator

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