Lep Request Letter

Last Updated: April 27, 2024

Lep Request Letter


Dear [Recipient’s Name],

I hope this letter finds you in good health and spirits. My name is Dennis Duke, and I am currently enrolled in [Program/Service Name] at [Institution/Organization Name]. I am writing to request language assistance services under the Language Access Plan provided by [Institution/Organization’s Name].

As an individual with limited English proficiency (LEP), I face significant challenges in fully participating in and benefiting from the programs and services offered. This has impacted my ability to achieve my goals and take full advantage of the opportunities available to me.

To address this issue, I kindly request the provision of [specific language services needed, e.g., interpretation services, translation of documents] to assist me in navigating the program more effectively. These services are crucial for me to understand and communicate my needs, receive pertinent information, and engage fully with the program.

I believe that with the appropriate language support, I can overcome these barriers and contribute more effectively to the community within [Institution/Organization Name]. I am committed to my personal and professional development and am eager to work collaboratively with your team to find a solution that enables me to participate fully.

I understand that there are procedures to follow and forms to complete to avail of these services, and I am ready to comply with all necessary requirements. Please advise me on the next steps to take to initiate this process.

Thank you very much for considering my request. I look forward to your positive response and am hopeful for your support in making the program accessible to all participants, regardless of their language proficiency.

Should you need any further information or wish to discuss this request in more detail, please do not hesitate to contact me at [Your Contact Information].

Warm regards,

Dennis Duke

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