Letter of Intent from Employer

Last Updated: April 27, 2024

Letter of Intent from Employer

John Harrison
Director of Operations
Innovative Solutions Inc.
456 Enterprise Road
Houston, TX 77005

March 4, 2024

Emily Thompson
Graduate in Computer Science
1234 Liberty Ave
Boston, MA 02101

Dear Emily Thompson,

I am writing to express Innovative Solutions Inc.’s interest in bringing you on board as part of our dynamic team. Following your impressive academic achievements and the enthusiastic recommendation of your professors, we believe that your skills and interests align perfectly with our mission to deliver cutting-edge technological solutions.

Your background in computer science, particularly your work on machine learning and its application in real-world scenarios, caught our attention during the career fair at the university. We are excited about the potential you bring to our team and how your innovative thinking could contribute to our projects.

Innovative Solutions Inc. is at the forefront of technological advancement, constantly seeking new ways to enhance efficiency and effectiveness in our products and services. We believe your fresh ideas and technical expertise would be invaluable in our ongoing and upcoming projects.

Should you choose to join us, we would like to offer you the position of Junior Software Developer, focusing on machine learning applications. This role will allow you to work closely with some of the leading minds in the industry, offering ample opportunities for professional growth and development.

We are prepared to offer a competitive salary, comprehensive benefits package, and a supportive work environment designed to foster innovation and creativity. Additionally, you will have access to continuous learning opportunities and the chance to contribute to projects that make a real difference.

Please consider this letter as an expression of our genuine interest in having you join our team. We are eager to discuss how your skills and aspirations align with our goals and how we can work together to achieve great things.

We look forward to the opportunity to speak with you further about this exciting opportunity. Please feel free to contact me directly at [email protected] or by phone at (555) 123-4567 to arrange a convenient time for a meeting.

Thank you for considering Innovative Solutions Inc. as your potential employer. We believe in your potential to contribute significantly to our team and look forward to the possibility of working together.


John Harrison
Director of Operations
Innovative Solutions Inc.

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