Letter of Intent to Move Out of Apartment

Last Updated: April 27, 2024

Letter of Intent to Move Out of Apartment

John Doe
123 Main Street
Apartment 4B
Cityville, State, 12345
March 4, 2024

Jane Smith
Property Manager
Cityview Apartments
456 Elm Street
Cityville, State, 12345

Dear Ms. Smith,

I am writing to inform you of my intention to vacate Apartment 4B at 123 Main Street, effective April 30, 2024. This letter serves as the required 60-day notice, in accordance with the terms of my lease agreement.

I have thoroughly enjoyed my time living in Cityview Apartments and appreciate the support and amenities provided during my residency. My decision to move is based on personal reasons, including a job relocation that necessitates my move to another city.

I intend to adhere to all move-out procedures as outlined in our lease agreement. This includes ensuring the apartment is left in a clean and undamaged condition. I plan to schedule a walk-through inspection at your earliest convenience to discuss any potential issues or concerns.

Furthermore, I request the return of my security deposit, provided there are no damages beyond normal wear and tear. Please send any correspondence regarding the security deposit or final utility bills to my new address, which I will provide upon completion of the move-out inspection.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. I look forward to concluding my lease agreement in a smooth and amicable manner. Please let me know if there are any forms or additional documentation that I need to complete on my end.


John Doe

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