Letter to Tenant for Damages after Move out

Team English - Examples.com
Created by: Team English - Examples.com, Last Updated: May 14, 2024

Letter to Tenant for Damages after Move out

John Anderson
450 Maple Drive
San Diego, CA 92103
[email protected]
(619) 555-1234
May 6, 2024

Sarah Thompson
100 Beach Road, Apt 302
Los Angeles, CA 90001

Dear Sarah Thompson,

I am writing to inform you about certain damages and cleaning issues that were identified during the final inspection of your recently vacated apartment at 450 Maple Drive, Apt 12, which you occupied until April 30, 2024.

During the inspection, the following damages and issues were noted, which were not present at the beginning of your tenancy and exceed normal wear and tear:

  1. Broken kitchen window pane.
    • Estimated repair cost: $150
  2. Large stains and burns on the living room carpet.
    • Estimated repair cost: $300
  3. Missing bathroom fixtures and a severely cracked vanity mirror.
    • Estimated repair cost: $200

The total estimated cost for repairing these damages is $650. This amount will be deducted from your security deposit of $1,000. After these deductions, the remaining balance of your deposit, which is $350, will be returned to you. If the costs had exceeded your deposit, you would be responsible for paying the remaining balance.

Please find attached detailed photographs and repair estimates for each item. We would appreciate your prompt attention to this matter. You can contact us to discuss this further or to arrange payment of any additional costs beyond your deposit.

Thank you for your immediate attention to these matters. We hope to resolve this amicably and promptly.


John Anderson

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