Meeting Minutes Writing in School

Last Updated: April 27, 2024

Meeting Minutes Writing in School

Meeting Information

Meeting Title: Monthly School Improvement Committee Meeting
Date: October 15, 2024
Time: 4:00 PM – 5:30 PM
Location: Lincoln High School, Room 108



  • Mr. John Adams (Principal)
  • Mrs. Emily White (Vice Principal)
  • Mr. Michael Clark (Math Department Head)
  • Mrs. Sarah Johnson (English Department Head)
  • Ms. Linda Green (Parent-Teacher Association President)
  • Mr. Alex Brown (Student Council President)


  • Mrs. Karen Smith (Science Department Head)

1. Call to Order

  • Time: 4:05 PM
  • Called by: Mr. John Adams

2. Approval of Agenda

  • Motioned by: Mrs. Sarah Johnson
  • Seconded by: Ms. Linda Green
  • Outcome: Approved unanimously

3. Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes

  • Date of Meeting: September 10, 2024
  • Motioned by: Mr. Michael Clark
  • Seconded by: Mrs. Emily White
  • Outcome: Approved unanimously

4. Old Business

4.1 Update on School Library Renovation

  • Presented by: Mrs. Emily White
  • Summary: Renovation is on schedule, with completion expected before the end of November 2024.
  • Discussion: No major issues reported. Committee expressed satisfaction with progress.
  • Action Items: None

5. New Business

5.1 Introduction of New STEM Program

  • Presented by: Mr. John Adams
  • Summary: Proposal for a new STEM program to be introduced in the 2025 academic year.
  • Discussion: Committee discussed potential curriculum, resources needed, and partnership opportunities with local tech companies.
  • Decisions Made: Agreed to proceed with program development.
  • Action Items: Mr. Michael Clark to form a task force for curriculum development by November 1, 2024.

5.2 School Safety Measures Update

  • Presented by: Mrs. Emily White
  • Summary: Review of new safety measures implemented at the start of the school year.
  • Discussion: Positive feedback from staff and parents; discussion on additional training for staff.
  • Decisions Made: Approved additional safety training sessions.
  • Action Items: Mrs. Emily White to coordinate training dates and communicate to staff by November 15, 2024.

6. Reports

6.1 Student Council Report

  • Presented by: Mr. Alex Brown
  • Summary: Update on student council activities, including upcoming charity drive and school spirit week.
  • Discussion: Committee praised student engagement and offered support for activities.

7. Announcements

  • Upcoming Parent-Teacher Conferences: Scheduled for November 20-22, 2024.
  • Holiday Concert: Set for December 15, 2024, at the school auditorium.

8. Open Floor

  • Discussion: Suggestions for improving the school cafeteria menu. Committee agreed to solicit more student and parent feedback.

9. Adjournment

  • Time: 5:25 PM
  • Motioned by: Mrs. Sarah Johnson
  • Seconded by: Mr. Michael Clark
  • Outcome: Meeting adjourned.

Next Meeting

Date: November 12, 2024
Time: 4:00 PM
Location: Room 108

Minutes Prepared by: Mrs. Emily White
Date: October 16, 2024

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