Minutes Writing for a Board Meeting

Last Updated: April 27, 2024

Minutes Writing for a Board Meeting

Meeting Details

  • Organization: Green Future Initiative
  • Date: November 12, 2024
  • Time: 3:00 PM – 5:00 PM
  • Location: Main Conference Room, Green Future Initiative Headquarters
  • Attendees: Samantha Lee (Chairperson), Derek Johnson (Vice Chair), Maria Gonzalez (Treasurer), Ethan Wong (Secretary), Laura Chen (Board Member), Alex Rivera (Board Member)
  • Absent: None

Call to Order

  • Opening: The meeting was formally opened at 3:05 PM by Samantha Lee, the Chairperson.

Approval of Previous Minutes

  • The minutes from the previous board meeting held on September 10, 2024, were reviewed. Derek Johnson moved to approve the minutes, seconded by Laura Chen. The minutes were approved unanimously.

Financial Report

  • Presentation: Maria Gonzalez presented the financial report for the quarter ending September 30, 2024, highlighting revenues, expenditures, and net income. A 5% increase in net income compared to the previous quarter was noted.
  • Discussion: The board discussed the financial performance and the need for budget adjustments for upcoming projects.
  • Approval: Ethan Wong moved to approve the financial report, seconded by Alex Rivera. The report was approved unanimously.

New Business

  1. Proposal for Community Solar Project:
    • Presentation: Laura Chen introduced a proposal for a new community solar project aimed at providing renewable energy to local schools.
    • Discussion: The board discussed the project’s potential impact, budget requirements, and implementation timeline.
    • Decision: The board agreed to proceed with a feasibility study. Derek Johnson volunteered to oversee the study process.
  2. Annual Fundraising Gala Planning:
    • Overview: Samantha Lee outlined plans for the upcoming Annual Fundraising Gala, scheduled for March 2025.
    • Committee Formation: A gala planning committee was established, with Maria Gonzalez appointed as the chair.

Old Business

  • Update on Green Schools Program: Ethan Wong provided an update on the Green Schools Program, reporting successful implementation in 10 new schools. The board discussed expansion strategies.

Executive Session

  • The board entered into an executive session at 4:30 PM to discuss strategic planning for 2025.
  • Outcome: The board outlined preliminary strategic goals for 2025, focusing on expanding outreach programs and increasing donor engagement.


  • Closing: The meeting was adjourned at 5:00 PM by Samantha Lee.
  • Next Meeting: Scheduled for January 15, 2025, at 3:00 PM in the Main Conference Room.

Prepared by:

  • Ethan Wong, Secretary


  • November 13, 2024

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