Negligence Explanation Incident Report Letter

Last Updated: October 18, 2024

Negligence Explanation Incident Report Letter

Mark Johnson
Warehouse Supervisor
ABC Logistics
456 Industrial Road
Houston, TX 77001
October 16, 2024

Susan Carter
Operations Manager
ABC Logistics

Subject: Incident Report for Negligence in Warehouse Safety Procedures on October 13, 2024

Dear Ms. Carter,

I am writing to report an incident of negligence that occurred on October 13, 2024, involving John Davis, a warehouse employee. The incident took place in the loading dock area at approximately 2:00 PM during a routine unloading process.

John was responsible for overseeing the unloading of shipment pallets from a delivery truck. Despite prior training on safety protocols, he neglected to wear the required safety harness while operating the forklift on an elevated platform. This disregard for standard procedures resulted in the forklift tipping slightly when unloading a large pallet, though fortunately, no injury occurred.

The incident was witnessed by Carlos Ramirez, a fellow employee, who immediately reported it to me. Upon reviewing the situation, I confronted John Davis, who acknowledged the violation of safety procedures and expressed regret for his actions.

As immediate corrective action:

  • John Davis was removed from forklift duty for the rest of the shift.
  • I scheduled a mandatory safety retraining session for John and reminded all staff of the importance of following safety guidelines at all times.

To prevent future negligence:

  • I recommend stricter monitoring of safety compliance in high-risk areas and conducting random safety checks.
  • A review of the safety training program to reinforce the importance of adherence to all safety measures.

Please let me know if further disciplinary actions are required, and I will ensure to follow up accordingly.

Mark Johnson
Warehouse Supervisor

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