News Report For Students

Last Updated: April 27, 2024

News Report For Students

Students Make Headlines: Local High School’s Environmental Project Wins National Award

Harrisburg, PA – In a remarkable display of innovation and dedication to environmental sustainability, the students of Lincoln High School have brought home the prestigious National Green Initiative Award for their groundbreaking environmental project, “Green Futures Program.”

The Project That’s Changing the Game

The “Green Futures Program,” spearheaded by a group of ambitious students under the guidance of their science teacher, Mr. James Holden, aimed at transforming the school’s energy usage and waste management practices. The project involved installing solar panels on school roofs, initiating a comprehensive recycling program, and creating a student-led garden that provides fresh produce for the school cafeteria.

Impact and Recognition

The impact of the project was immediate and profound, leading to a significant reduction in the school’s carbon footprint and operational costs. It also served as an educational tool, integrating practical environmental science lessons into the curriculum. The National Green Initiative Award, given annually to schools that demonstrate exceptional efforts in promoting environmental sustainability, recognized the “Green Futures Program” for its innovative approach and tangible results.

Student Voices

“We wanted to make a difference, not just in our school, but in our community,” said Sarah Chen, a senior and project leader. “Winning this award is amazing, but seeing our project inspire other schools to take action is the real reward.”

Community Impact

The success of the project has sparked interest from local businesses and other schools, leading to discussions on how similar initiatives can be implemented across the city. The mayor of Harrisburg praised the students’ efforts in a recent city council meeting, highlighting the importance of youth involvement in tackling environmental challenges.

Looking Ahead

With the national recognition and support from the community, Lincoln High School plans to expand the “Green Futures Program.” Future initiatives include a solar-powered greenhouse and a program to educate elementary students on sustainability.


The students of Lincoln High School have set a shining example of how youth leadership and innovation can lead to meaningful environmental change. Their achievement not only brings pride to their school but also serves as an inspiration for others to follow in their footsteps towards a greener future.

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