Notice Writing for Class 11

Last Updated: April 27, 2024

Notice Writing for Class 11


Career Counseling Sessions for Class 11

Date: March 1, 2024

Dear Class 11 Students,

In our continuous effort to guide and prepare you for your future academic and career choices, Oakwood Senior Secondary School is pleased to announce a series of Career Counseling Sessions. These sessions are designed to provide you with insights into various career paths and help you make informed decisions regarding your future.

Session Details:

  • Dates: March 15th to March 17th, 2024
  • Time: 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM
  • Venue: School Library
  • Focus Areas: Engineering, Medical Sciences, Humanities, Commerce, Arts, and Information Technology

Features of the Sessions:

  • Expert Talks: Professionals from various fields will share their experiences and guidance.
  • Interactive Q&A: A chance to ask questions and discuss your aspirations with experts.
  • Resource Material: Handouts and guides on colleges, entrance exams, scholarships, and career planning.


  • The sessions are open to all Class 11 students.
  • Registration is free but compulsory. Please sign up in the school office by March 10th, 2024.

Why Attend?

These sessions are a golden opportunity to explore different career options, understand the education needed for each, and start planning your path forward. Whether you have a clear idea of your future career or are still exploring your options, these sessions will provide valuable insights.

For additional information or to register, please contact Mrs. Priya Malik, Career Guidance Counselor.

We look forward to your enthusiastic participation.

Issued by:

Dr. Samuel Richards

Principal, Oakwood Senior Secondary School

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