Background of the study on Online Learning and Reading Skills

Team English -
Created by: Team English -, Last Updated: May 20, 2024

Background of the study on Online Learning and Reading Skills

Introduction The shift to online learning due to the COVID-19 pandemic has significantly impacted educational practices worldwide. This study investigates how online learning affects elementary students’ reading skills.

Contextual Framework Historically, elementary education has been based on in-person instruction, allowing teachers to provide immediate feedback and personalized support. Theories of early childhood education, such as Vygotsky’s social development theory, emphasize the importance of social interaction and scaffolding in learning. The transition to online learning disrupted traditional methods, introducing new dynamics in student-teacher interactions and resource accessibility.

Literature Review Research highlights both benefits and challenges associated with online learning. Benefits include flexibility, personalized learning, and access to a wide range of digital resources. However, challenges such as reduced face-to-face interaction, limited access to physical books, and the necessity of parental involvement at home have also been noted. Studies indicate mixed results; some suggest that online learning can enhance technological skills and self-paced learning, while others highlight potential drawbacks, such as decreased motivation and difficulties in maintaining engagement, which are critical for developing foundational reading skills in young children. Despite these insights, there is limited research on the specific long-term impacts of online learning on elementary students’ reading abilities.

Rationale Understanding the impact of online learning on reading skills in young children is crucial for educators and policymakers. Identifying the factors that influence reading development in online settings can help in designing effective instructional strategies. This study aims to fill the gap in existing research by providing detailed insights into how various aspects of online learning affect the reading skills of elementary students.

Objectives and Research Questions

  • To assess the overall impact of online learning on elementary students’ reading skills.
  • What specific aspects of online learning (e.g., digital tools, interaction levels, parental involvement) most significantly affect reading development?
  • How do students’ reading skills progress in online learning environments compared to traditional in-person settings?
  • What strategies can mitigate the challenges of online learning to support reading skill development?

Conclusion The background of this study underscores the importance of examining the effects of online learning on reading skills. By identifying key factors and providing actionable insights, this research aims to inform strategies to enhance reading instruction in online and hybrid learning environments, ultimately contributing to better educational outcomes for elementary students.

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