Sample Guarantor Letter for Lease

Last Updated: October 15, 2024

Sample Guarantor Letter for Lease

Emily Williams
678 Pine Street
Denver, CO 80203
[email protected]
(303) 555-1234
October 15, 2024

Mr. Robert Jenkins
Mountain View Property Management
789 Birch Avenue
Denver, CO 80203

Subject: Guarantor Letter for Lease of James Williams

Dear Mr. Jenkins,

I, Emily Williams, am writing this letter to confirm my role as guarantor for James Williams in relation to his lease agreement for the property located at 123 Aspen Drive, Denver, CO 80203. As the guarantor, I agree to take full financial responsibility for any unpaid rent, property damages, or other financial obligations that James Williams may incur under the terms of his lease, in the event that he is unable to fulfill these obligations himself.

I am aware of and accept the responsibilities associated with being a guarantor for this lease agreement. Please feel free to contact me at the information provided above should you require any further details or documentation.

Thank you for your consideration.

Emily Williams
(Signature if printed)

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