Disaster Communication Plan

Last Updated: April 27, 2024

Disaster Communication Plan

This Disaster Communication Plan provides a structured approach to handling communications before, during, and after a disaster. It is designed to be simple, comprehensive, and ready for immediate implementation.


The primary objective is to ensure clear, consistent, and timely communication to all involved parties during a disaster to minimize harm and facilitate effective response and recovery efforts.

Key Stakeholders

  • Local and National Government
  • Emergency Response Teams
  • Local Communities
  • NGOs
  • Media Outlets
  • International Aid Organizations

Communication Channels

  • Social Media: Twitter, Facebook, Instagram
  • Emergency Broadcasting Systems: Radio, TV
  • Mobile Alerts: SMS, App Notifications
  • Public Address Systems
  • Print Media: Flyers, Posters
  • Community Meetings

Phases of Communication


Objective: Raise awareness and prepare the community.


  1. Awareness Campaigns: Regularly distribute informational materials.
  2. Workshops and Drills: Conduct community drills and training sessions.
  3. Media Engagement: Partner with media for spreading awareness.

During Disaster

Objective: Provide real-time updates and instructions.


  1. Immediate Alerts: Use mobile alerts and broadcasting systems.
  2. Regular Updates: Provide frequent status updates.
  3. Helplines: Establish 24/7 helpline for assistance and information.


Objective: Inform about recovery efforts and resources.


  1. Status Reports: Regular updates on recovery progress.
  2. Resource Distribution: Information on aid and resources distribution.
  3. Feedback Mechanism: Implement a system for receiving public feedback.

Communication Templates

  • Pre-Disaster Awareness Message
  • Emergency Alert Message
  • Post-Disaster Recovery Update

Monitoring and Evaluation

  • Regular testing of communication systems.
  • Surveys to gather feedback on the effectiveness of communication.
  • Analysis of response times and reach of messages.


Contact List

  • Emergency Services
  • Local Authorities
  • Media Contacts
  • NGO Partners

Quick Reference Guides

  • Emergency Procedures
  • Key Messaging Guidelines
  • Contact Information

This Disaster Communication Plan aims to provide a ready-to-implement, simple, and effective framework to manage communications during various stages of a disaster, ensuring that accurate and helpful information reaches all stakeholders in a timely manner.

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