Police Investigation Report

Last Updated: October 18, 2024

Police Investigation Report

Date of Investigation: October 15, 2024
Location: [Incident Location], [City, State]
Prepared by: [Your Name]
Position: Investigating Officer

A police investigation was conducted on October 15, 2024, at [Incident Location] following a report of a suspected burglary. The purpose of the investigation was to gather evidence, interview witnesses, and determine the circumstances surrounding the incident.

Incident Overview:
At approximately 9:30 PM, a call was made to report a break-in at [Victim’s Name]’s residence. Upon arrival, officers observed a broken window and signs of forced entry at the back door. The homeowner, [Victim’s Name], reported several valuables missing, including electronics and jewelry.

Investigation Details:

  • Evidence Collected:
    Officers collected fingerprints from the broken window and footprints from the backyard leading away from the property. A crowbar was found near the back door, likely used to pry open the lock.
  • Witness Statements:
    Neighbors, Mr. John Doe and Ms. Jane Smith, were interviewed. Mr. Doe stated that he heard glass breaking around 9:15 PM but did not see anyone. Ms. Smith reported seeing a suspicious individual wearing dark clothing and a hoodie leaving the area at the time of the incident.
  • Security Footage:
    A nearby house had security cameras that captured footage of the suspect fleeing the scene. The footage showed a male suspect wearing a dark hoodie and gloves, leaving the residence on foot.

Based on the evidence collected, including fingerprints, the suspect is believed to be a male, approximately 6 feet tall, wearing dark clothing at the time of the burglary. The crowbar found at the scene was sent for forensic analysis. The security footage and witness statements are being used to identify the suspect.

The investigation is ongoing. Officers are continuing to gather evidence, analyze the forensic data, and identify the suspect based on the security footage and witness descriptions.

Prepared by: [Your Name]
Position: Investigating Officer

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