Product Analysis

Last Updated: May 28, 2024

Product Analysis

A product analysis can be used in various manners—from product design development up to actual product sales improvement. Aside from the different purposes of implementing a product analysis, there are also a number of entities who can execute this process depending on their intentions. Learning the basics of product analysis creation is very important as it can help you focus on the essential factors and elements that must be included in the document that you will be making. Just like when developing a policy analysis where policy analysis template examples are used, we also recommend you to use templates and other references if you plan to come up with your own product analysis.

We put together a number of product analysis examples in PDF that you can use as guides in relation to formatting your product analysis and creating the flow of the information for your discussion. Make sure to check and browse through these examples. More so, download any or all of them as long as you think that they are relevant in the development of the product analysis document that you plan to have. You may also see internal audit SWOT analysis.

19+ Product Analysis Examples

1. Product Analysis Report Template

Product Analysis Report Template
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  • MS Word
  • Pages
  • Google Docs

Size: US & A4


2. Product Market Analysis Template

Product Market Analysis Template
File Format
  • MS Word
  • Pages
  • Google Docs

Size: US & A4


3. Product SWOT Analysis Template

Product SWOT Analysis Template
File Format
  • MS Word
  • Pages
  • Google Docs

Size: A4 & US


4. Product Cost Analysis Template

Product Cost Analysis Template
File Format
  • MS Word
  • Pages
  • Google Docs

Size: US & A4


5. Product Competitive Analysis Template

Product Competitive Analysis Template
File Format
  • MS Word
  • Pages
  • Google Docs

Size: A4 & US


6. Simple Product Cost Analysis Template

Simple Product Cost Analysis Template
File Format
  • MS Word
  • Pages
  • Google Docs

Size: US & A4


7. Product Management Competitive Analysis

Product Management Competitive Analysis
File Format
  • MS Word
  • Pages
  • Google Docs

Size: A4 & US


8. Product Quality Checklist Template

Product Quality Checklist Template
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  • MS Word
  • Pages
  • Google Docs
  • PDF


9. Product Analysis Example

Product Analysis Example
File Format
  • Google Docs
  • MS Word
  • Pages

Size: A4, US


10. Product Market Analysis Template

Product Market Analysis Template
File Format
  • MS Word
  • Pages

Size: A4, US


11. Product Analysis Example

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  • PDF

Size: 333 KB


12. New Product Analysis and Decision Model Example

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Size: 974 KB


13. Product Line Analysis Example

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 217 KB


14. Product Line Analysis for Practitioners Example

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 222 KB


Product Analysis:

15. Learning to Model Observations as Products of Hidden Variables Example

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 122 KB


16. Analysis of Product Design for Product and Service Systems Example

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 831 KB


Design and Technology:

17. Materials for Product Design Assessment or Analysis Example

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 969 KB


Product Recovery:

18. Analysis and Clarification of the Terminology Used in Academia and Industry Example

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 217 KB


19. Development and Analysis of Product Design Principles Example

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 2 MB


20. Supply Market Analysis for Service and Product Life Cycle Development Example

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 405 KB


Factors to Consider When Making a Product Analysis

The quality and performance of a product can affect not only the perception of the customers or clients with regards your offer but also the credibility of your business. This is the reason why you have to ensure that you will come up with a product that has undergone product assessment, quality control, and overall evaluation. There are different items that you have to look into if you want to ensure that the product that you will release is at par with the quality standards of your company. Some of the most important factors that you need to consider if you plan to start making a product analysis include the following:

1. One of your main focus must be your systems engineering. The overall product development cycle must adhere to the quality demands of the business, the requirements for cost and financial resource usage, as well as the ability of the product to perform based on the needs and expectations of your target audience. Looking into these things can help your product analysis to present items for development and areas for improvement which can make the product a more added value to your organization. You may also see hospital SWOT analysis

2. List down all the features of the product especially those that are the key points for product sales. You have to identify the ability of the actual product to deliver its claims so you can ensure that there will be higher chances of satisfaction from your target audience.

3. It is imperative for you to break down the product into its minute details. Have different areas for observation. You have to ensure that the quality of all the raw materials and/or components that are put together for the product to be developed are evaluated accordingly. This will help you become more confident when it comes to your product presentation. You may also see statement analysis examples.

4. Know the process behind the costing of the product. You have to make sure that you can justify the amount that you would like the product to sell for. Consider the materials used for the product as well as the comparison of the product’s price to that of the range of other products of the same kind available in the market. The scope of product price analysis will depend on the scope of your overall product analysis plan so it can either just focus on the item itself or it can also follow the latter discussion in which your product price can be compared to the product price of your competitors. You may also like investment analysis examples.

5. Know the value of the product and evaluate whether it is worth the effort, time, and resources that the business will exert for its development. You have to highlight value engineering processes which can help you to prepare alternatives or backups when it comes to the strategies, tactics, and techniques that you can use for product creation and continuous production. Reducing costs with the help of the alternatives that you have listed while helping the business increase its potential and actual profits can help the product become more relevant and your operations more sustainable. You may also check out company analysis examples.

A product analysis, like a performance analysis report, must be created based on the needs of your business. Hence, you have to develop a document that is specifically usable for the identification of the factors and elements of the product that you would like to study. Any of the information listed above can be deleted or altered based on its relevant to the actual product analysis that you are making.

Who Conducts a Product Analysis?

Since there are a variety of ways on how a product analysis can be used, there are also a number of entities who can create this document to help them be knowledgeable or be aware of the information that they would like to know about a particular product. The same goes when developing a retail SWOT analysis as there are also different kinds of retail businesses who offer items that are different from one another. Here are a few of the entities who conduct a product analysis:

1. Potential buyers can conduct their own product analysis before buying the product offered to them by a business. This will help them ensure that the money that they will use for the product is worth it. Most potential buyers use the brochure or any marketing material that promotes the product when developing an analysis. Since these tools or materials are from the business itself, it will be easier for the possible customers or clients to relate the product and its claims to their activities and/or needs. You may also see critical analysis examples.

2. Existing or current clients of the business can also come up with a product analysis. This is commonly done if a product that the client has been using for a long period of time has been improved, developed, or updated may it be in packaging or formulation. You may also see decision tree analysis examples.

3. During the product planning, testing, development, and post-release processes, establishments or companies usually do a product analysis towards their own products. This is to ensure that they are fully aware of the performance of their product and that the quality of the released items are based on their plans and expectations. The results of the product analysis can also be used to further improve the development of new products in the future. You may also like project analysis examples.

4. Competitors can create an analysis of your products. Marketing, operations, and product development managers usually compose a team that will evaluate the products of their competition. Through this, they can list down all the competitive advantage of other businesses and they can develop new ways on how the market can be convinced or persuaded to choose their products against those from their competition.

5. There are instances where a product analysis is done by third parties whose main intentions are either to review the product for insights and recommendation purposes or to provide the business the analysis that it needs as a part of a business transaction. Bloggers and influencers use their platforms when showcasing the results of the analysis that they have made out of the product that they reviewed while consultants provide a more formal report to the business who manufactured or made the product. You may also see how to prepare a financial statement analysis.

What Product Elements or Characteristics Are Included in a Product Analysis?

A part of your businesses successes comes from you being prepared to face challenges, risks, threats, trials, and opportunities. Your preparation should include the development of different kinds of corporate documents like a market analysis business plan and a product analysis that can help you assess your current business condition as well as to layout your strategies, call-to-actions, and tactics for future operations. All the documents that you will come up with must be precise, detailed, and comprehensive so you can benefit from their usage accordingly.

A product analysis, as an example, should contain all the elements and factors that can give an idea about the in-depth description of the product and how it can be useful for your target audience as well as to the sales and branding of the business. Some of the information that can be seen in a basic product analysis include the following:

  1. The date when you have manufactured the product
  2. The date when the product analysis has been made
  3. The name of the person who conducted the product analysis. You might be interested in needs analysis examples.
  4. The purpose of the product analysis
  5. The instructions for product evaluation. You may also see requirements analysis examples
  6. The goals and objectives that you would like to achieve after the product analysis
  7. The specific information that you would like to know about the product. You may also see operational analysis examples.
  8. The criteria, metrics, and measures that have been used to analyze the product at hand
  9. The ergonomics involved in the product analysis which entails the suitability of the product to the needs of the target audience
  10. The price of the product and the evaluation on whether it is appropriate and justifiable when compared to cost of production. You may also see impact analysis examples.
  11. The overall aesthetic and quality of the product that you offer to your market
  12. The methods of product development and/or construction. You may also like sales analysis examples.
  13. The safety features and/or promises of the product once used by your customers
  14.  If applicable to the nature of your business, the requirements and expectations of the customers when it comes to the actual product that you need to deliver. You may also see free analysis examples.
  15. The materials that you have used for the product to be completed
  16. If necessary, the recommendations and/or comments that you have toward the product which can help the business for the product’s development. You may also check out risk analysis examples.

Again, not all product analysis documents are the same. Feel free to change any information listed above if you think that they do not fit the needs of your own product analysis discussion and presentation.

Tips to Help You Come Up with an Impressive Product Analysis

Are you ready to create and implement an analysis of the product of your business? Some of the tips that you can use as your guides and references once you are already in the process of developing a product analysis include the following:

  1. Develop a professional SWOT analysis that can help you identify not only the strengths but also the weaknesses of your products. For product analysis with larger scopes of usages, the opportunities and threats that the product can bring to your business must also be reviewed in a more in-depth manner.
  2. Ensure that your product analysis is based on real information. Do not cover any lapses or shortcomings as it can only weaken the document’s usage especially when it comes to showcasing areas for improvement and growth. You may also check out factor analysis examples.
  3. Make the product analysis document concise and direct to the point. Ensure that the document is understandable so that your target audience can relate to your discussion.

The downloadable examples available in this post can help you develop a thorough and presentable product analysis. Start downloading any of these examples and incorporate them in the procedures that you will follow once you begin the creation of the particular product analysis that you need. You may also like regression analysis examples.

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