Promotion Recommendation Letter for Employee

Last Updated: April 28, 2024

Promotion Recommendation Letter for Employee

John H. Smith
Senior Manager
ABC Corporation
1234 Market Street
San Francisco, CA 94103
March 7, 2024

Alice Johnson
Director of Human Resources
ABC Corporation
1234 Market Street
San Francisco, CA 94103

Dear Alice Johnson,

I am writing to wholeheartedly recommend Emily Carter for the position of Assistant Director within our marketing department at ABC Corporation. Having worked closely with Emily for over three years as her supervisor, I have witnessed her exceptional growth, unwavering dedication, and significant contributions to our team’s success.

Emily joined our team as a Marketing Coordinator and quickly demonstrated her capability by leading our most successful product launch to date, which resulted in a 40% increase in market penetration for the product line she was responsible for. Her strategic thinking, coupled with her hands-on approach to tackling challenges, has consistently produced outstanding results.

Beyond her technical skills and achievements, Emily’s leadership qualities stand out. She has informally taken on the role of mentor to new team members, fostering a collaborative and supportive team environment. Her ability to inspire and motivate her colleagues has not only enhanced team productivity but also contributed to an enriching workplace culture.

Moreover, Emily has shown a keen interest in the broader business context, often going beyond her marketing responsibilities to suggest improvements in other areas such as customer service processes and sales strategies. This holistic understanding of our business operations and her proactive approach in addressing issues exemplify her readiness for the Assistant Director role.

Emily’s dedication to professional development is evident in her pursuit of a part-time Master’s degree in Marketing, further enriching her skills and knowledge to contribute to our organization. Her commitment to excellence, combined with her adaptability and forward-thinking mindset, makes her an ideal candidate for promotion.

I am confident that Emily will bring the same level of commitment, innovation, and leadership to the Assistant Director position, driving our department and ABC Corporation to new heights. Please feel free to contact me if you require any further information or clarification regarding Emily’s qualifications and achievements.

Thank you for considering my recommendation.


John H. Smith
Senior Manager
ABC Corporation

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