Quantitative Research Questionnaire

Last Updated: October 15, 2024

Quantitative Research Questionnaire

A Quantitative Research Questionnaire is a tool used to collect numerical data from respondents in a structured manner. It typically consists of closed-ended questions, allowing researchers to quantify responses easily. Below are some common types of questions included in a quantitative research questionnaire:

  1. Demographic Questions
    • Age: What is your age? (Options: Under 18, 18-24, 25-34, etc.)
    • Gender: What is your gender? (Options: Male, Female, Non-binary, Prefer not to say)
    • Education Level: What is the highest level of education you have completed? (Options: High School, Bachelor’s, Master’s, etc.)
  2. Likert Scale Questions
    • How satisfied are you with our product? (1 – Very Dissatisfied, 5 – Very Satisfied)
    • Rate the quality of customer service you received. (1 – Poor, 5 – Excellent)
  3. Multiple Choice Questions
    • How often do you use our service? (Options: Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Rarely)
    • Which of the following features is most important to you? (Options: Price, Quality, Availability, Brand)
  4. Ranking Questions
    • Rank the following factors in order of importance when choosing a product. (Price, Quality, Brand Reputation)
  5. Frequency/Behavior Questions
    • How many times did you purchase from our store in the last month? (Options: 0, 1-2, 3-5, More than 5)
  6. Yes/No Questions
    • Did you find our website easy to navigate? (Yes/No)

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