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Questionnaire in research [Edit & Download]

Research Questionnaire

Introduction: Thank you for participating in this research study. Your responses will help us better understand [topic of research]. The information you provide is confidential and will only be used for research purposes. This questionnaire will take about 5-10 minutes to complete.

1. Personal Information (Optional)

  • Name: Michael Brown
  • Age: 29
  • Gender: Male
  • Occupation: Engineer
  • Educational Level:
    • B) College/University

2. Awareness and Knowledge (MCQs)

Q1: How familiar are you with the topic of [sustainable energy]?

  • B) Somewhat familiar

Q2: How did you first hear about [sustainable energy]?

  • A) Media (TV, radio, online news)

Q3: Have you ever used or engaged with [sustainable energy products/services]?

  • B) Yes, occasionally

3. Attitudes and Perceptions (Likert Scale)

Q4: Please rate your agreement with the following statements:

  • [Sustainable energy] is important in my daily life.
    • Agree
  • I trust the information I receive about [sustainable energy].
    • Neutral
  • I believe [sustainable energy] has a positive impact on society.
    • Strongly agree

4. Behavior and Usage

Q5: How often do you engage with [sustainable energy practices] in your daily life?

  • B) A few times a week

Q6: How likely are you to recommend [sustainable energy] or related services to others?

  • A) Very likely

5. Open-Ended Questions

Q7: In your opinion, what are the biggest benefits of [sustainable energy]?

  • I believe sustainable energy reduces environmental damage and provides cleaner energy sources for future generations.

Q8: What improvements or changes would you suggest regarding [sustainable energy] or its related services?

  • I think there needs to be more affordable options for sustainable energy solutions so more people can access them.

6. Demographic Information (Optional)

  • Location:
    • A) Urban
  • Income Level:
    • C) $50,000 – $100,000

7. Overall Sentiment

Q9: On a scale of 1 to 10, how positive do you feel about [sustainable energy]?

  • 8/10

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