Research Interview Questionnaire

Last Updated: October 15, 2024

Research Interview Questionnaire

This questionnaire aims to collect detailed information on participants’ experiences, opinions, and perspectives related to the research topic. Your responses will be used for research purposes and will remain confidential.

Please answer the following questions as thoroughly and honestly as possible. Feel free to elaborate on your thoughts and experiences.

1. Can you briefly introduce yourself (name, age, profession, etc.)?

2. How would you describe your experience with [specific topic related to the research]?

3. What factors influenced your involvement or interest in this topic?

4. How has this experience impacted your personal or professional life?

5. Have you encountered any challenges while dealing with this issue?

  • If yes, what were the challenges, and how did you overcome them?

6. What resources or support systems have you found helpful in addressing this issue?

7. In your opinion, what are the key factors contributing to the success of individuals facing similar circumstances?

8. How do you feel this topic is perceived by the general public or within your community?

9. What improvements or changes would you suggest for addressing the issues related to this topic?

10. Are there any policies, initiatives, or services that you believe could further support individuals like yourself in this area?

11. Is there anything else you would like to add or any other experiences you’d like to share about this topic?

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