Revocation Power of Attorney Letter – [Edit & Download]

Last Updated: January 10, 2025

Revocation Power of Attorney Letter – [Edit & Download]

I, John Smith, son of Michael Smith, residing at 123 Green Street, New York, NY 10001, do hereby formally revoke and cancel the Power of Attorney granted by me on January 1, 2023, to Sarah Johnson, residing at 456 Blue Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11201, which authorized the attorney-in-fact to act on my behalf for financial and property-related matters.

This revocation applies to all powers and authority previously granted under the Power of Attorney, including but not limited to financial transactions, property management, and legal representation.

Effective immediately, Sarah Johnson is no longer authorized to act on my behalf for any reason or in any capacity concerning the matters specified in the original Power of Attorney or any related issues.

Notice of Revocation

All relevant parties, including financial institutions, government offices, and other concerned entities, are hereby notified about this revocation. Any actions taken by Sarah Johnson on or after the date of this revocation shall be deemed unauthorized and not binding on me.


I affirm that I am revoking this Power of Attorney of my own free will and that I am of sound mind and legal capacity. This revocation is made to ensure that all matters previously entrusted to the attorney-in-fact are now solely under my control.

Signed on January 10, 2025, at New York, NY.

Signature: John Smith
Printed Name: John Smith

Witness 1: James Brown
Address: 789 Maple Road, New York, NY 10002

Witness 2: Emily Davis
Address: 654 Oak Lane, New York, NY 10003

[Notary Public Section as required in your jurisdiction]


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